i am not sure how i got here anymore.
I was banned from John Kerry's '04 presidential run message board for mentioning men's issues and asking a few softball questions. The fems in the ranks were appalled that anyone even questioned some of their age-old assumptions.
Dr. E invited me here after that as far as i can remember. I love the place and read frequently, I also live in New Orleans and with the Bradley bill and the hurricane, add that up...
Anyways, I feel like a lot of times on a grassroots level, I get more people interested when I approach mra topics from the point of view of a guy having a few beers with his buddies, not the divorced shill for all things anti-feminist. I find it often dissolves the tension and gets
women interested too.
Now, I admit some could say a "locker-roomish" sub-forum might trivialize mra issues, but I think thanks to Dr. E the serious discourse has a solid foundation in the main board.
Thanks all...