MRA Book Review: "Until Proven Innocent", by K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr.

Started by Sorry Isnt Good Enough, Oct 02, 2007, 10:16 PM

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Sorry Isnt Good Enough

Until Proven Innocent:  Political Correctness And The Shameful Injustices Of The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case

by K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr.
420 pages, Thomas Dunne Books 2007


It took Amazon nearly one month to ship this, but it was well worth the wait.  Given Professor Johnson's encyclopedic and microscopic knowledge of this case, I thought it was going to be a boring read, but I was wrong.  It takes you through the entire debacle, starting out through the eyes of the lone black lacrosse player Devon Sherwood, to the fateful night, to the police building a case without evidence, the early fanning of the flames by the police, the harrowing, ominous entrance of our vilian, DA Nifong, the defense team's early heroics to turn the tide, the academic McCarthyism, Nifong's manipulation of evidence, to the final unraveling of the conspiracy and exoneration.

The final chapter, "Presumed Guilty: Feminist Overkill", covers false allegations at some length.  Yes, this book is the definitive account, and is every bit as compelling as a John Grisham thriller, and its all true.  I was actually gripped with depression and anger through the first chapters, as you relive the party and the early witch hunt. 

If you wish to remain ignorant of the systems of control that surround you, do not read this book. 

One thing:  the front jacket flap claims "the full story of the Duke Lacrosse case by the authors who broke it"...

not sure about that claim, but I do know that some of the most explosive revelations and supressed evidence showed up right here in these very forums FIRST.
"To my considerable chagrin, we found that at least 60 percent of all the rape allegations were false." --Dr. Charles P. McDowell, Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Office of Special Investigations.

dr e

I agree with SIGE that the LAX book is a good read.  I am in the midst if reading it and will make more comments when I am finished.  It does read very well and tells parts of the story that I didn't know much about.  Pretty interesting stuff.  The one part that pissed me off so far was when I saw that they (kc and stuart) felt that false accusers should not be punished since it would discourage other false accusers from coming forward!  I about dropped when I read that.  Can you say pussy pass?  That is my one criticism of KC. He continues to let CGM off the hook for whatever reasons. 

SIGE you should get some of the credit for the early leads in this case.  You did a great job in exposing what was going on.   We should bump that original thread just so people can see it.  It is interesting to read it and see the reactions of events as the news came in over that year period.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sorry Isnt Good Enough

I agree with SIGE that the LAX book is a good read.  I am in the midst if reading it and will make more comments when I am finished.  It does read very well and tells parts of the story that I didn't know much about.  Pretty interesting stuff.  The one part that pissed me off so far was when I saw that they (kc and stuart) felt that false accusers should not be punished since it would discourage other false accusers from coming forward!  I about dropped when I read that.  Can you say pussy pass?  That is my one criticism of KC. He continues to let CGM off the hook for whatever reasons. 

SIGE you should get some of the credit for the early leads in this case.  You did a great job in exposing what was going on.   We should bump that original thread just so people can see it.  It is interesting to read it and see the reactions of events as the news came in over that year period.

Yeah, I couldn't help but notice that too Dr. E.  Its all Nifong with K.C.   Even in the chapter about predatory feminism he treaded pretty lightly, only quoting a few times and rehashing the same old stats. 

"To my considerable chagrin, we found that at least 60 percent of all the rape allegations were false." --Dr. Charles P. McDowell, Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Office of Special Investigations.

Sorry Isnt Good Enough

"To my considerable chagrin, we found that at least 60 percent of all the rape allegations were false." --Dr. Charles P. McDowell, Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Office of Special Investigations.


HBO is making the book into a film.  Who will play Nifong?

Hmmm. An overzealous DA who hates to lose and is a real mangina. I nominate Sam Waterston.

Affirmative Action: The federal government takes your job away from you and gives it to a woman. Then she sneers at you because you are unemployed.

Cordell Walker

Dr Phil will play nifong
I think Lil Kim should  play Ms Mangum
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

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