Iraq = Al Qaeda. Textbook example of state propaganda?

Started by DavidByron, Oct 18, 2002, 07:58 PM

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The Bush administration has now started to claim that Iraq and Al Qaeda are allies.  This is 100% false as everyone not in the administration agrees (in fact Osama offered to make holy war on Iraq with his fighters after Saddam invaded Kuwait).  100% false, but useful for the Bush administration if somehow Americans could come to beleive it is true.

So how do they go about pulling that off?
Recent US statements on whether there's a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda:

Defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld:
'I have no desire to go beyond saying the answer is yes.'

President George W Bush:
'The danger is that al-Qaeda becomes an extension of Saddam's madness and his hatred and his capacity to extend weapons of mass destruction around the world

Security adviser Condoleezza Rice:
'There clearly are contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented and there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there's a relationship here.'

Bush again:
'I can't distinguish between the two, because they're both equally as bad, and equally as evil and equally as destructive.'

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer:
'We have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of al-Qaeda members.'

'We have credible evidence that al-Qaeda leaders have sought contacts in Iraq.'

Fleischer again:
'In the shadowy world of terrorism, sometimes there is no precise way to have definitive information until it is too late.'

And after all this someone comments that 66% of the American public now beleive that there is a link between Iraq and 9-11.  I'll try to find a source.  Are Americans really this brain dead?
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This CNN poll says the figure is only 51%.


If Saddam Hussein has replaced Osama bin Laden as the administration's public enemy #1, Americans have apparently listened: more now see Hussein as a greater threat to the U.S. right now than bin Laden.  A majority of Americans, 51%, also believe that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Note that CNN did not feel the need to try and disabuse the majority of its readers of this crack-pot notion.
size=9]I am the victim of unregulated sarcasm[/size]


Quote from: "DavidByron"

Note that CNN did not feel the need to try and disabuse the majority of its readers of this crack-pot notion.

Does this mean CNN is in on it now?


Sure :)
Hang on.... waddya mean "now"? :mrgreen:
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