If Hillary gets the Presidency what happens to the "women as victims of Patriarchy mantra?" In recent history, the power of gender feminists has largely been in their victimhood role, not any true oppression or inequality towards women, but in the gender feminists' ability to get men to respond to their whining, and of course the very real threat that women comprise 53% of the electorate (and growing).
Everything, even a gender feminist President, is always a further assault on women and their rights, a greater victimization of women. And what else would we expect from the biggest bunch of baby like whiners in the history of the world? Gender feminists will fight hard to maintain their eternal victimhood status, just because it gets the money that pays them to be the most privileged and pampered group of people in the history of the world.
The symbol for the modern gender feminist wymen should not be the same old symbol for woman, rather it should be a big baby pacifier, IMO.