The real force behind Feminism

Started by Dutch269, Jan 31, 2008, 03:17 PM

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Whether or nor one believes in conspiracies, to me the important question is,

"What are we trying to accomplish here?"

If we're trying to accomplish a freer and more just society, approaching solutions from a starting point of conspiracy theories is not likely to get you very far, IMO.

Approaching it from the point of view of more or less object facts which can be supported and proven and objective goals that can be worked toward is much more likely to result in success.

I will grant you, though, that this is not as much fun as conspiracy theories.

Know thy enemy. If you pretend your enemy goes no higher than Kim Gandy...that is where you wouldn't get very far.
I will stop staring at your boobs when you stop staring at my paycheck!


Whether or nor one believes in conspiracies, to me the important question is,

"What are we trying to accomplish here?"

If we're trying to accomplish a freer and more just society, approaching solutions from a starting point of conspiracy theories is not likely to get you very far, IMO.

Approaching it from the point of view of more or less object facts which can be supported and proven and objective goals that can be worked toward is much more likely to result in success.

I will grant you, though, that this is not as much fun as conspiracy theories.

If youhave freedom of information legislation in the United States then use it to obtain copies of the POLICY ANALYSIS of the legislation in question....then you will know the enemies names.

At the trialbetween BC FATHERS and STATUS of WOMEN CANADA the primary enemy from SOW was a certain Vesna Radulovic....POLICY ANALYST....and project manager.

In Latin "legis" means "law" and "latura" means a room where scribes write things.

Who are the primary beneficiaries of the widget factories where law is written?

Who are the people who advise the elected "legislators" as to the wording to be used in the "legislation" that they produce like widgets?

Who benefits the most from the conflicts that this "legislation" creates?

If it were simply a matter of who you voted is it you cannot tell me the name of who to put my "X" beside that would change this situation to our benefit?

None of the "usual suspects" in conspiracy theories have any power or any significant influence in the forum where those who are elected compose laws.....all of the battles of feminism have been won in court rooms as matters of "rights".


Whether or nor one believes in conspiracies, to me the important question is,

"What are we trying to accomplish here?"

If we're trying to accomplish a freer and more just society, approaching solutions from a starting point of conspiracy theories is not likely to get you very far, IMO.

Approaching it from the point of view of more or less object facts which can be supported and proven and objective goals that can be worked toward is much more likely to result in success.

I will grant you, though, that this is not as much fun as conspiracy theories.

If youhave freedom of information legislation in the United States then use it to obtain copies of the POLICY ANALYSIS of the legislation in question....then you will know the enemies names.

At the trialbetween BC FATHERS and STATUS of WOMEN CANADA the primary enemy from SOW was a certain Vesna Radulovic....POLICY ANALYST....and project manager.

In Latin "legis" means "law" and "latura" means a room where scribes write things.

Who are the primary beneficiaries of the widget factories where law is written?

Who are the people who advise the elected "legislators" as to the wording to be used in the "legislation" that they produce like widgets?

Who benefits the most from the conflicts that this "legislation" creates?

If it were simply a matter of who you voted is it you cannot tell me the name of who to put my "X" beside that would change this situation to our benefit?

None of the "usual suspects" in conspiracy theories have any power or any significant influence in the forum where those who are elected compose laws.....all of the battles of feminism have been won in court rooms as matters of "rights".

Exaclty, now were getting somewhere. That is where we need to concentrate our energy, just like the feminist groups did. That is exactly why I didn't say conspiracy, because it's not the polititions, it's the legislators and the people who advise and pay them that are running the show. The polititions are really just the spoke persons, but they also vote on legislation, but again, these polititions are also being bought out by the same people who are lobbying with legislators.

Feminist know this, they have infiltrated every part of govt that deals with legislation. Couple that with all the millions of dollars these women groups get, and it becomes a force to be feared.

What we need, are contacts in these legislative depts. We need to get the right people into these depts. They become our eyes and ears.

First, we need to stop bickering about little stuff, stop calling each other stupid names and form an organization like NOW, and get people elected into postions to help us. This is exactly how NOW did it.



Why would the wealthy elite want socialism to take over? Their wealth would be confiscated.

The Bysantine intrigue session of femist power usurping are only attended by feminists and a select few manginas....I have been a fly on the wall at such gatherings and I am here to tell you they were not attended by the Rothschilde banking partners, the Grand Lodge Master of the Freemasons, the Pope, members of the Skull and Bones fraternaty nor any of the other "usual suspects" of the tinfoil hat brigade.

As well that "red peril" shit from the Cold War era really has no place being recycled into any longing for a rturn to Father Knows Best 1950's nostalgia just for the sake of look and feel.

Your enemies have can look those names up in the phone book and on the internet....your enemies brag about who and what they are.

Now will the koolaid drinkers please get a grip and get is actually becomming an embarassment to associate with MRA sites and my own conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theory advocates are plants to discredit us.


pure genius-



Why would the wealthy elite want socialism to take over? Their wealth would be confiscated.

The Bysantine intrigue session of femist power usurping are only attended by feminists and a select few manginas....I have been a fly on the wall at such gatherings and I am here to tell you they were not attended by the Rothschilde banking partners, the Grand Lodge Master of the Freemasons, the Pope, members of the Skull and Bones fraternaty nor any of the other "usual suspects" of the tinfoil hat brigade.

As well that "red peril" shit from the Cold War era really has no place being recycled into any longing for a rturn to Father Knows Best 1950's nostalgia just for the sake of look and feel.

Your enemies have can look those names up in the phone book and on the internet....your enemies brag about who and what they are.

Now will the koolaid drinkers please get a grip and get is actually becomming an embarassment to associate with MRA sites and my own conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theory advocates are plants to discredit us.

pure genius-

Feminists are hilarious in this regard. They keep pushing what they believe to be some kind of socialist class agenda and meanwhile the capitalists are laughing all the way to the bank. There is no greater proof of the individual feminist's gullibility.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


Very sad, you guys are clueless.

I see why your here now, you just want a place to cry and bawl   :bawl:

That is pathetic, go ahead and cry while the feminist groups keep making law after law. I guess maybe they are smarter than most men, you guys have proven that too me.

They will keep making legislation that keeps you working your lives away, no chance at a fair hearing in family courts, no chance of a reasonable child support.

I hope you all have sons, I wish I could be there when your son gets dumped on, and you will finnally realize this is not a game.

So, from now on I will simply critiqe your posts and try my best you enlighten you fools.   :sunny:


Very sad, you guys are clueless.

I see why your here now, you just want a place to cry and bawl   :bawl:

That is pathetic, go ahead and cry while the feminist groups keep making law after law. I guess maybe they are smarter than most men, you guys have proven that too me.

They will keep making legislation that keeps you working your lives away, no chance at a fair hearing in family courts, no chance of a reasonable child support.

I hope you all have sons, I wish I could be there when your son gets dumped on, and you will finnally realize this is not a game.

So, from now on I will simply critiqe your posts and try my best you enlighten you fools.   :sunny:

Bad day?
I will stop staring at your boobs when you stop staring at my paycheck!


Very sad, you guys are clueless.

I see why your here now, you just want a place to cry and bawl   :bawl:

So, I hope to learn more about what makes the Feminist mind think, and more importantly, I want to learn how to protect my 16 year old son from falling victim to it.

I promise to keep it civil    :angel4:

A promise written in the wind, I fear.


Oh please    :laughing6:

I said you guys are clueless and foolish, if that is too uncivilized for you, then you have no business as an MRA.

There is a war going on if you didn't know, sticking your head in the sand is never a good idea, something alot of men do.

Getting mad at me is exactly the reason feminists are winning, we turn on each other so easily.

Go ahead, keep crying about how bad it is, but please don't actually do anything about it, that would never fly with your wife.


Oh please    :laughing6:

I said you guys are clueless and foolish, if that is too uncivilized for you, then you have no business as an MRA.

There is a war going on if you didn't know, sticking your head in the sand is never a good idea, something alot of men do.

Getting mad at me is exactly the reason feminists are winning, we turn on each other so easily.

Go ahead, keep crying about how bad it is, but please don't actually do anything about it, that would never fly with your wife.

Seems like you turned on us.
I will stop staring at your boobs when you stop staring at my paycheck!


What we need, are contacts in these legislative depts. We need to get the right people into these depts. They become our eyes and ears.

First, we need to stop bickering about little stuff, stop calling each other stupid names and form an organization like NOW, and get people elected into positions to help us. This is exactly how NOW did it.

Seems pretty reasonable to me.  And, good news, there is an organization that has been accomplishing just that -- fostering contacts in the legislature, the courts, government agencies and departments, academia, and the legal profession.  It's known as the CAFC.  From my perspective, if you want to advance our goals, you have two options.  (1) Attack the problem from a cultural perspective (blogs, discussion forums, protests, demonstrations) until the public finally listens and takes our agenda seriously.  (2) Attack the problem within the legislatures directly, with lobbying professionals and paid staff.

I favor option #2, although I still engage in a little of option #1.  To favor option #2 is to donate money to such organizations, no two ways about it.


Oh please    :laughing6:

I said you guys are clueless and foolish, if that is too uncivilized for you, then you have no business as an MRA.

There is a war going on if you didn't know, sticking your head in the sand is never a good idea, something alot of men do.

Getting mad at me is exactly the reason feminists are winning, we turn on each other so easily.

Go ahead, keep crying about how bad it is, but please don't actually do anything about it, that would never fly with your wife.

I never said I couldn't handle your namecalling.  I simply pointed out that you are a lying hypocrite.

bachelor tom

This whole idea that conspiracies are impossible because "someone would screw it up" is ridiculous. Just because someone talks doesn't mean people will believe it and therefore it wasn't "screwed up".

Let's say that there is some "elite". Well, some people have talked and it did no good since most people dismiss it.

Let's take UFO's for example, some people claim the government is hiding it and let's pretend that is the truth. It doesn't matter as most people dismiss it anyway.

So again I say: This whole idea that conspiracies are impossible because "someone would screw it up" is ridiculous.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

It's very easy to dream up conspiracy scenarios, very hard to prove them, and much simpler to explain events using ordinary rules of logic and causality

UFOs?  the science is mind-boggling, distances travelled, speeds achieved, and for what motive?  surreptitious spying?  isn't it just projecting our own sense of importance?  why would an advanced extraterrestrial care about us?

conspiracy theories exist because people want an explanation for the world, much like what used to be provided by religion
political correctness = patriarchal chivalry + matriarchal victimology


Oh please    :laughing6:

I said you guys are clueless and foolish, if that is too uncivilized for you, then you have no business as an MRA.

There is a war going on if you didn't know, sticking your head in the sand is never a good idea, something alot of men do.

Getting mad at me is exactly the reason feminists are winning, we turn on each other so easily.

Go ahead, keep crying about how bad it is, but please don't actually do anything about it, that would never fly with your wife.

I have heard this taunt many times and by feminist trolls more often than not. What pray tell can anyone POSSIBLY do on an internet forum other than talk?

If you know some pull down menu on this site's navigation that would invoke a mortar barrage tell me where it is and I will do it.

What is it that you do other than talk?


[quote MAUS]
What is it that you do other than talk?

Offer solutions, instead of calling me a koolaid drinking, lying hypocrytical, conspiracy theorist?

Start a chapter in your city, get men involved and donating money so we can actually get some MRA's into the legislative branches?

Have you done anything?

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