>My books are out of print<
Those weighty tomes had nothing in them. Compare her books to, say, Christopher Lasch. He has been dead for over a decade. Not only are his books still in print, they are widely read and studied. He was a serious thinker, not a promoter of fads.
Or even better, books by Sun Tzu, Shakespeare, Homer, Newton, Confucious, et al.
Those wymyns studies losers need to get a grip. That grizzled old harridan lived a Bohemian lifestyle all her life and now she's whining because she might have to do some real work instead of churn out worthless navel-gazing drivel. Many of us have tedious, boring jobs - I sure do - but I don't bitch about it, I go on and get the job done. Force her to get her sorry ass to work. For a change.
Feminism: Politicized whining and bitching.