Well.I've been searching on the web and I've found a study.
"do you want Romania to be part of NATO ?"
75 % answered yes
"in your opinion,what will be the effects of Romania joining NATO?"
The rise of the trust of foreign investors in Romania 51,0%
The rise of military spendings 45,3%
The modernization of our war industry 43,7%
The rise of our credibility in international negociations 41,9%
The achievment of a guarantee of our national security 40,5%
Political dependency of Romania to occidental powers 27,5%
The rise of access to the values and cultural resources of occidental countries 19,2%
The subordination of our army to foreign military leaders 16,9%
The breaking of the relations with our traditional economical partners 10,7%
Loosing national independence 6,4%
I don't know /no answer13,8%
I think that answers your questions.As it's clear from the high percentage for the first questions,people here see almost any thing like this as a hope of getting rid of poverty.The political and military implications go on the second priority rank.