Oh god it's the domestic violence rubber stamp statement. I swear, our law enforcement agencies could save millions of dollars a year in wasted police time if they would just have some one type up a single DV complaint and make a couple million copies. 2 to 4 million a year if you buy what N.O.W. is selling.
That way all the women would have to do is sign at the bottom and they could cart us off to jail just like now only in less time. Even better, maybe they should have all men registered for a domestic violence conviction on the same form as the selective service all "MEN" must submit so the government knows who's avaliable to go get killed in order to protect womens right to ruin everything they touch. Ladies before you jump all over me, let me say that my father died early in my life so I grew up with a mom and three sisters and of my four children, three are girls. So I dare anyone to accuse me of sexisim. The sad fact is Julie that your situation just might be everything that you say it is but then again it might not be and you could be doing little more then practising the posin your going to use to justify to your child why he/she doesn't have a father.
My X pulled just that. In the last argument between my X-wife and I my two year old daughter started tapping my X on the side of her leg with a empty sippy cup because she wanted milk. My X was in one of her typical rages with me which usually lead to me getting walloped at least once anyways to my horror my X reach down and grabbed my two year old around her collar and snatched her towards her and bent down within a inch of my daughters face and screamed at the top of her lungs "ERIN CAN'T YOU SEE I AM FUCKING BIZZY!!! After the intial shock of the situation I ran over and grabbed onto my X's hands and forced her to let go of my daughter. I got the beating of my life from her. Cuts and bruises all over my face and arms. A princess cut diamond wedding ring can do some real damage placed on the fingure of a motivated psycho. I still to this day have visable scars on my face and arms from it and what seems to be a permanet blood spot on my left eye. After the beating "I" called the police they show up, have a squad patch me up and take the report, which read Mr. Dad of four has several areas of injury to his face and what are beleived to be "defensive" wounds to his forarms. Mrs. Dad of four has "no visable marks." We both went to jail and then to court a few days later. Of coarse mom got to go first with her army of government agencies and then I got to go. I was asked how I pleaded to the charge of Domestic Violence. "Not Guilty" and without another word from me the rules of a protection order where being read to me that was being issued for my wife and children against "ME!" All I could do was sob, there in front of the entire packed courthouse. That was 2001 and I have not seen my two kids since and yes I do have that $2300.00 visitation order that isn't worth the piece of paper it's printed on.
But hey feminists, why beleive me I am after all a guy and obviously the devil because of my penis so lets reed a myspace message I got from my X's sister last year. That's right a woman wrote this. My X's name is Cortney. This message has not been changed in anyway. It is copied and pasted from my myspace saved messages.
I don't really care who knows what cuz if anything all that needs to be said as of why I told you is we can say you asked me how the kids were and I responded with I haven't seen them in over two years. Y?Cortney kept coming up here and staying the night but wouldn't leave and would stay for months. Me supporting her and the kids cuz she didn't work. One morning I got home from work and she was trying to force feed Erin cuz Erin didn't want to eat and after listening to her call Erin an idiot and a retard, she pulled her hair and I finally yelled at her to knock it off. Next incedent, Me, my x Charlie, roommate Josh and his friend Donnie were in the living room heard a big thud and Tyler screaming. I jumped up ran to my room and he was sitting on the floor holding his face. I asked Cort what she did to him. She said none of my fing business. After exchange of words I picked Ty up brought him into the loving room, saw the welt on his face. I asked her what he did to deserve it and she said good that he had the welt. I flipped out bitch got in my face. I yelled for Char to come get her wound up punching her in the face. Erin was in the bathroom and Ty in the kitchen with Josh, neither saw any of it. She took the kids went to Dairymart and called the cops. I flipped out on the cop that came to arrest me b-cuz he didn't even look at Ty's face and there were four adults including myself telling him that she hit him. I think she actually pushed him and he hit his face on my dresser but still...So in the Ashtabula sherriff's dept there are statements from 4 adults saying she hit ty plus from what I hear has had children services called on her on several occasions. Get a lawyer and have them look into it. She's still probably not working with no were really to live other than if her mom's being nice to her. It's actually been longer than two years cuz it was before I got pregnant with Michayla and she'll be 2 in 3 months. I've seen her like 3 times. Kris' open house, my mom's funeral and Terry's court date. She was at court for I think welfare fraud on the same day. I let her hold Michayla for a brief second but it's only cuz Erin was with her and I felt bad not letting Erin see her "cousin." Michayla was only a couple weeks old. Haven't seen her since. She tried talking to me one day on line, I told her the day she cleared my record, rapaid me for the lawyer and court costs is the day I'd speak to her....
The Government beleives that it is in the best of my children to be with there mother. Thanks N.O.W. on the behalf of my children. I suppose they could write off all of my X's abuse to the years of abuse I put her through. Did somebody mention something about a scapegoat?