In the sixties in Australia one average income could support a family. Now it requires more than two. We were well on the way to creating a society where even that one breadwinner wouldn't have to work full time. What changed? Think supply and demand.
Greed happened. (guess)
the biggest invention of the 1960's was the computerJane Goodall studied wildlife for many years of her life. She was one of the first scientist to reveal the similarities between humans and the chimpanzees.
Medical technology was also on an unbelievable rise. Christian Barnard performed the first human heart transplant on a patient whom was suffering from heart diesease.The 60's were a time of total change, success, and turmoil! Changes socially, politically, and changes that would effect the lives of Americans today occurred. Riots in American cities, on college campus, antiwar protestors, hippie looks, many famous singing groups, wild fads and fashions, and entertainment were changing in this "psychedelic" decade. From the first man to orbit the moon, John Glenn, to president John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, Reverend Martin Luther King and Malcolm X all being assassinated, and Vietnam War
The children of the 60's believed that all men and all women are equal in every way and that we would all profit greatly, particularly in a moral and spiritual sense, when the views and beliefs of women were encouraged to become a large part of all national debates.Just to add ....
After World War II, an industrial push reinvigorated the economy. The world's first electronic digital computer, the 30-ton ENIAC, was introduced, and in what is now known as Silicon Valley, a three-bedroom home cost $10,000. At the start of the 1950s, TV sales topped 10 million, up from one million a year earlier. The pocket-size transistor radio was introduced, GM drove its 50-millionth car off the line, the Salk polio vaccine was discovered, and the Russians launched Sputnik.I think that the work done during WWII by the Germans on the Jews had made remarkable progress scientifically especially since things were being tested on humans and not animals. I hate to think of this as a positive because I feel it was inhumane and cruel. But it had progressed our world to what it is today.
I think the 60's were the start of big corporations and that both men and women were being looked at something to use. That is why we are in the trouble we are in now.
Of course you are right. I am not sure why feminists were intrusive to men's groups? Maybe some form of fear of losing their power.
Maybe they fear their dishonesty being exposed.
You know it.