Hrmm the other post 1/3 of moms have cheated posted by Peter look at than one in three women seeking paternity tests discover that the man they thought was the father of their child is not the biological dad.
Some mums needed tests done on five different men to identify the real father.
In the past year, the number of women giving the wrong name as parent of their child has gone up to five per cent to 39 per cent, according to paternity testing firm Anglia DNA. Director Dr Thomas Haizel said in such cases, women were asked to name the men they had had sex with in the month leading up to becoming pregnant.
He added: "One client gave up, claiming, 'It could be any number of people'. The same woman had already tried five different potential fathers with no positive result."
Now,.....take the worst case scenario......that of no contraception being used at all by the cheating women.
1/3 cheat and 1/3 have children whom have unknown or questionable paternity.
Simple math right? its MUCH WORSE
Worst case scenario these women use no contraception.......the pregnancy rate for no contraception at all is 50%
That means in order to get the 1/3 questionable paternity numbers......2/3's of women have to be cheating.
Yes there are tons of variables that are not taken into consideration but basic probability tells us that all those variables tend to cancel out.
Which leaves 60 % of women in western culture as .......well Whores.