All those accolades are great, but it doesn't change the fact that she hopped on board the neocon express to advance her career. Even all of that aside, diplomats and security advisors don't get elected president.
Russian is not really considered a hard language to learn, once you have mastered the cyrillic alphabet.
She is a neo-con, and I'm a classic liberal (her policies regarding war are the deciding factor against my vote for her) but I certainly wouldn't dismiss her accomplishments. Not many people start university at 15, obviously she is much more intelligent then the vast majority. I have every respect for her. I also have every respect for Mcain though I would not vote for him given the chance.
What do you mean by "she hopped on board the neo-con express to advance her career"?
Do you mean that she's not really a conservative? (perhaps a lurking feminist in sheep's clothing). While I don't demand answers to questions I really would like Sorry Isn't Good Enough to explain why he thinks Rice expresses neo-con viewpoints for alternative gains.
One more time for the cheap seats, her academic credentials have absolutely nothing to do with her suitability as a government official. She has proven to be a disaster in that area-that is not debatable, its a historical fact.
Devia, none of these people are conservatives. The people we are all watching on TV right now are not liberals either, they are all socialists, globalists, militarists, and industrialists. In 2003, rather than being given useful information about Iraq and 9/11, the American public was told ad nauseum how great people like Rice were. If she is so brilliant, why did she embrace the same warmongering authoritarianism that people like Rush Limbaugh did? So there is your explanation Devia-she was out of her depth as a security advisor, going along with the neocons was her life raft.