Swedish pharmacies' sex toys 'discriminate against men'

Started by Peter, Aug 12, 2008, 01:00 PM

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devia, keep digging your own hole if you want.  You seem to have something against Thailand, or against Thai women, or perhaps Asian women in general.  You are trying here to insinuate something against Thai/Asian women without saying it "out loud" since your point is racist in its origin.

You didn't answer my questions by the way:-

So you're assuming that Thai women have no better choice than prostitution in Thailand?

If that's true devia, why do the vast majority of Thai women choose not to go into prostitution? 

.....because the answer to the second question blows away your stereotype you want to believe about Asian women. 


I answered that already. Women in a depressed economy are more likely to engage in prostitution. It does not make them cumdumpsters.

Since engaging in this conversation with you I have learned that Burmese women are being imported to offset the decline in Thai women engaging in sex work. Have you learned anything?

dr e

Devia - You have lost all credibility in my book.  End of story.  Hearing you complain about the way you are treated here is more humorous than anything else.   What's that famous line?  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you?  Something like that.  Work on yourself a bit and things may improve.

Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Aug 26, 2008, 02:37 PM Last Edit: Aug 26, 2008, 02:43 PM by SIAM
Since engaging in this conversation with you I have learned that Burmese women are being imported to offset the decline in Thai women engaging in sex work. Have you learned anything?

Well I have spent 3 of the last 5 years in Thailand and am heading out there next month.  I must have learned some things in that time.   You will meet Burmese illegal immigrants in any job that's "unofficial" in Thailand, because they have no work permits.  Prostitution is illegal in Thailand so it's "unofficial" work.  So it's kind of expected you'd see illegal immigrants working in these types of jobs.   There's a correlation between illegal activity and no visa status.  No visa, you have to work in these types of jobs.  You have a visa, why do you want to work illegally?

Women in a depressed economy are more likely to engage in prostitution.

Even if true - so what? How big a difference is "more likely" when still the vast majority of women do not get involved with it.  It's not as great a job as you may imagine, particuarly in countries where it is illegal.  Illegal activities normally means exploiting people with low pay and bad conditions because they don't have much choice.  If I were a woman in Thailand (with legal status), you're better off working a regular job in Bangkok and taking 10-15K baht a month.  At least you have some security and worker rights if you're "official".  It's not like the bar girls of Thailand have a trade union and working rights.  Illegal status is something else. 

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