Hey Amber!
BTW remember the ol' spell checker.
I see your mentioning Ann Coulter again. She's cute :mrgreen:
You need to tighten up your stuff more though. Seems like this piece was getting away from you a bit. A bit too long. You know; repeatative really. Chop it in half. You could have her job in 10 years
Not that I agree with anything you've said....
Politically, the advocacy of Utopian has always comes from the "liberals".
That statement just lacks imagination. You mention Plato (hardly a liberal but you seem to conceed that you have to make him one because of his ideas). How about Machiavelli's
The Prince? A liberal work? For that matter didn't Ayn Rand write a utopia? Um what was the name....
Atlas Shrugged. Ever heard of it? In any case if only lefties can speak of utopias then it doesn't say much for the literary skills of everyone else.
it has been these well intentioned Utopianists who have been responsible for the most inhumane methods of dealing with people. Utopian communists pointed their muzzle at, and killed, countless numbers of innocent people
That's a very poor example. I mean you could have made one that wasn't that silly. In any case using Stalin as an example has to rate up there with using Hitler. Incidentally does he count as a liberal too for writing
Mein Kampf? Do you understand that you just claimed Stalin was "well intentioned"? You also claimed he was a liberal. Since you cited Orwell's
Animal Farm (a
dystopia from a lefty - presumably dystopias by lefties disprove your case as utopias prove it?) you presumably understand well enough that Stalin was neither well intentioned nor liberal.
In short I don't see that you are making any sort of case for any sort of relationship between utopias dystopias political alignment or treatment of people / terror.
It has been the socialists, the good intentionists, who have engaged in guilty verdicts without trial
What? Now George Bush is a liberal??
Indeed, liberals tout a perfect society, in self righteous dignation, telling the rest of us to live up to their Utopia
So did Jesus. Actually you seem to be saying that only liberals demand that people behave ethically. Skipping over how that is an insult to everyone else, I'll just point out that you totally contradict this idea latterin your essay:
A most common everyday way that this is seen is in liberals refusal to judge things. Liberals can't stand this, they think it is 'mean.' Why can't everyone just love everyone? In a liberal Utopia, everyone should be 'tolerant' of one another.
I've commented on your inconsistency on this before.
Ann Coulter writes in her book "Slander" that liberals (exclusively) have turned politics into the bloody sport that it is today. A liberal knows no bounds - your intelligence, your personal life, even your physical looks will be called into question. All this, after begging we all be "tolerant" of one another. Conservatives, as a rule, don't do this
Oh right. I must have just
imagined that conservatives up and down the country hated Clinton so much that they even accused him of murdering people. Perhaps that doesn't count as "slander" in your mind Amber? And as for what they used to say about Hilary..... still do of course. ....
Ms. Clinton is infamous for the day she had lunch at a ritzy restaurant - and didn't leave a tip! Ms. Clinton has also accepted an $8 million dollar publishing contract to write a book on her experiences in the White House. One would think that the adulterous affair that her husband had in front of the entire nation would be a source of shame for a woman
Ah right. Only liberals slander :mrgreen:
If Coulter really does claim that conservatives never employ slander in that book, then she must have been on crack when she wrote it. In any case this whole slander thing seems off topic.
Liberals do not fight ethically, instead they use kamikaze, terrorist methods. In the Vietnam War, the communists resorted to guerilla warfare
Um.. because they were guerillas perhaps?
This is ridiculous Amber. The US government killed 4 million people in that war. They bombed whole villages. Which side used terrorism did you say? You can't make a case from just a couple of isolated silly examples. Hilters goons used terrorism. Was he a liberal? The American trained Afghanis used terrorism. Were they liberals? For that matter the Viet-Cong were not liberals either. They were simply nationalists.
Palestinians, currently, use suicide bombers to wage a war against Israel. They also used a terrorist attack against the USA -- by flying two private planes into unsuspecting civilian territory
LMAO. So it was Arafat, not Saddam who engineered 9-11! :shock:
My own experiences with liberals is that they will exploit whatever they can.
So you are saying they are objectivists?
I'm confused now. Is selfishness good or not Amber? Is it good when you do it but bad when "liberals" do it?
Liberals reject the employer-employee relationship, crying it is exploitive in nature. Trying to reject this relationship, because of its alleged heartlessness
Do you know that the Republican party used to say the same thing around the time of Lincoln? I am again getting confused on whether this master / servant thing is supposed to be good or bad. You say that,
My personal experience is that liberals crave this sort of master-slave relationship
But then you also say that,
During the Sexual Revolution, many liberals got together and embraced a society in which they could reject the "master-slave" relationships (notice the language they pick!) and instead have "brother-sister" relationships among men and women
And that was apparently a bad thing. You advocate,
The bourgeuosis idea of the male-female relationship is one in which the man is the hero and the woman is the hero-worshipper. The man is the leader, he is the patriarch
Similarly you go back and forth on employment. First liberals like master / slave relationships, but then,
Liberals reject the employer-employee relationship, crying it is exploitive in nature
It begins to look a lot like you criticise "liberals" for anything you like and in the next sentence turn around and laud the same values. After a while your "argument" devolves further into just making.... well I'd say slanderous comments if I didn't know only liberals do that....
It is reason that the Utopianists lack. The conceptual faculty of man is under constant attack from liberals. Their hatred of man's conceptual faculty runs deep.