Bullying? What a hoot.
Wake up, boyo. I have no power here. I'm not admin or moderator. The only "power" I have is in not letting you get away with your baloney. Of calling you on it, correcting you, pointing out your errors of logic and bombastic and unsupportable claims, hookum, and nutbar conspiracy theories.
If you look like an idiot, it's because you (a) plow ahead in spite of evidence to the contrary, or (b) ignore inconvenient challenges to your POV. Your call. Nobody makes you play the fool.
Your notion that you can somehow have a statist and free society simultaneously is so parochially simplistic and naive that its absurdity screams to the heavens. Leftist methods, philosophy, social policy, and economic theory are so closely intertwined that the ridiculous notion you can somehow pick part of it out, cafeteria style, and intermix it with other philosophies is a claim so fantastic and extraordinary that it demands similar proofs. It is incoherent. It is self contradictory. It is laughable in the extreme.
Liberal economic and social policies rest upon each other. Once you remove group identity and victim politics from it, it falls apart. Socialists since time immemorial have done similar things, and one of the foundational modus operandi is to select a group, name it the devil, and blame all of societies ills upon it in order to justify an ever expanding set of state powers to set things aright. The Marxist socialists of the USSR did it with "capitalists." The National Socialists of the Third Reich did it with Jews. Feminists do it to males. And they all wind up at the same Final Solution.
Feminism is socialism. Period. It is one bad actor among many attempting to implement socialist policy. The proofs are obvious, as much as they are irrefutable.
You cannot name a feminist of any influence who is not wildly left wing. You cannot name one who has converted to being right wing who has maintained an iconic status in the cult of Feminism. You can barely find one who attempts to maintain their status as a Feminist, and those are assailed as sellouts and not true feminists. Camille Paglia. Tammy Bruce. Wendy MacElroy. Al regarded as fringies, whackos, traitors, or "Not Real Feminists."
Can't be done.
Feminism serves a left wing agenda. Name blogs or websites run by feminists who do not endorse wholeheartedly a left wing agenda.
Can't be done.
Feminism has had ample opportunity to defend women against their victimization by left wing groups. They savaged Sarah Palin. Savaged Condaleeza Rice - hell, they used "Mammy" and "Aunt Jemima" characterizations to mock her - WHITE feminists - never called on it by the left wing, who HOWLED at George Allen's "macaca" comment. The savaged any woman who spoke out against Left Wing Bill Clinton. He was proven guilty of sexual harassment by any standard, he humiated his wife with numerous affairs, and has been credibly accused of Rape. Rape, sirrah. RAPE. What do the "women never lie about rape!" crowd - the usual suspects - do?
Well, Jessica Valenti, of Feministing, gets her picture taken with him in her best "Look at my tits!" outfit and pose for one thing.
They base their entire - ENTIRE - raison d'etre on eliminating such things from society, of defending women against such things - and when left wingers are guilty of it, what do they do? What do they do when it is provable and undeniable?
They DENY! They make excuses. They give them a PASS.
So riddle me this - gird up your fucking loins like a fucking man and give answer, if you have understanding - how can it NOT be that the true aim of feminism is not "women's liberation," but implementation of far left, socialist policies?
They are another socialist bad actor. Against all things either white, or male, or christian, or heterosexual, or traditional in any values whatsoever they wish to cast down. You don't have to be all. You just have to be one of them.
You oppose them by opposing them. Firmly. Resolutely. In Toto. Not with half measures. And most of all you don't become them.
And as the father of a daugher who I have raised, with great opposition from your precious state, to be a devout anti-feminist (And I assure you, Andrew, she stands Six Foot Four, weighs in at 220 pounds of Amazon model with a third degree black belt which I have trained her to, and if you called her a feminist your ass would be jelly on toast more so that if you pinched her on the ass - in which case my son in law would shoot you) for you to stand there and throw shit around like "all women" is a personal attack on her. She doesn't post here except rarely through my account precisely BECAUSE of people like you.
So give answer. If you can.
Which I am not holding my breath on. You've yet to demonstrate the manhood to respond on point, so starting now isn't really something I am anticipating.
But the lurkers will see your avoidance, once more, of facts and questions inconvenient to your closed mind and pathetic philosophy.