The REAL culprit behind the Obama/Gates/Crowley Political Mess

Started by blackmanxxx, Jul 24, 2009, 01:24 PM

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Hello,  my  brothers.  Long  time  no  see.

Maybe it's the  Men's Rights Activist in me but....

I see three good men being put at odds with each other due to the actions of a sinister, manipulative woman.

Obama : The first black President of the USA, a man of intelligence and integrity who doesn't back away from challenges even when his plate is full....

Gates : A gifted and renowned black intellectual who feels his rights were violated.....

Crowley : The cop who's just doing his job....





Has  anyone   gotten  hold  of  this  woman  ?

I  think  she  is  laughing  her  sick  head  off  after  manipulating  three  powerful  men  into   a  colossal  mess.....

Just  like  a   Feminazi.


Obama : The first black President of the USA, a man of intelligence and integrity who doesn't back away from challenges even when his plate is full....


Oh wait, you were serious huh....

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Jul 26, 2009, 08:39 PM Last Edit: Jul 30, 2009, 06:50 PM by CaptDMO
1. BMX, how ya' doing, been a while!

by breaking in the door, at night
Oh, were they black?

How sad that, in such an exclusive "community", she doesn't recognize who her neighbors are though.

2. Why is this non-event getting yet another Sharptonesque blitz, while an astounding number of the Democrat party that control the State of New Jersey are being perp- walked (WHAT! NO National TV Cameras?) in front of a criminal judge?

Oh, right, The President weighed in. BIG mistake.
"But..but...what he MEANT to say, after he found out the facts, was...."
I wonder who was talking to him BEFORE "The Media" began walking it back?
Second only to Biden, Boxer, and Pelosi, he sure has had to explain a lot of  "What I REALLY meant was ..." since stepping off from Illinois.

07/30/09 9:49 EDT Errata: I have since discovered that the original instigating phenomena  was NOT at night, but during daylight.
In SOME US States, such details establish the severity of, and suitability of subsequent response to, such perceived threats.
I regret the inconvenience.   


I  still  think  that  lady  is  responsible  for  the  whole  mess.  We've  got  more important  things  to  do.  Seriously.  Enough  time  has  been  wasted  on  this.

On  a  more  personal  note,  I  was  gone  due  to  health  issues,  but  I'm  much  better  now. :angel4:


I had a feeling that when a far left president was elected, we were going to hear about racism being behind every corner and being the dastardly cause behind every situation or event that happens. Never mind that Gates is an oversensitive pompous jackass with a persecution complex, that just made it even worse after the fact.

We can look forward to years more of the same, taking the focus off actual problems.


Mr. X

Well when you have people redefine the word "racist" to mean prejudice and the power to act then you're not dealing with intellectually honest people. Anyone who can change the definition of words for their own purposes is certainly NOT powerless.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


I  still  think  that  lady  is  responsible  for  the  whole  mess. 

She certainly isn't responsible for the hyper-delusion, promoted by "others", that has kept
it alive.

Personally, I LIKE the fact that I have neighbors that would act similarly, if not personally "investigate", with  unknown folk breaking in.  Granted, it's a tad more rural,  yet closer- community wise, where I live. I'm not even sure where the front door key IS. We also have a lower rate of "rash of break-ins". Probably due to the attitude toward firearms by MOST folk in NH.       


Welcome back and good to hear the health is doing better!

As for the case, I disagree about Obama and Gates and leave it at that. Otherwise she didn't say anything about race when she called the police. Now she SHOULD have known her neighbor but at night across the street you can easily make a mistake and she did the right thing calling the police. It makes no difference between man, woman, black, white or anything, you see someone trying to force a door open late at night it is suspicious and calling the police is the right thing to do.

If they had been real criminals she would be named as a hero for helping her neighbor but it was the refusal to produce ID as required when an officer asks and arguing with him claiming race that caused the issue here. Gates was seeking racism and his background is in that is you look at it closely. He is nothing more than a quiet and better educated version of Sharpton IMHO. From what I have been able to find on him, his writings are strictly about trying to find racism in any area he can and because he has a high level of education using "research" instead of screaming like Sharpton and Jackson, he is just taken more serously.

Cordell Walker

when I first heard about this I thought he was that goofy lookin fucker with the wierd hair thats always on bill maher
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


Jul 27, 2009, 05:50 PM Last Edit: Jul 27, 2009, 05:52 PM by blackmanxxx
Want  to  hear  something  funny  ?

About  two  months  ago,  I  was  in  a  similar  situation.

I  live  in  a  fairly  quiet,  borderline  upscale  neighborhood  in  the  West  Side  of  Brockton,  MA.  My neighbors  are  mostly  white,  and  there  are  a   few  African-Americans,  Asians  and  Hispanics  around.  

I  came  home  one  early  afternoon  and  upon  noticing  a  weirdo   around,  parked  not  far   from  my  house,  I  activated  the  expensive  alarm  system  we  recently  had  installed.

I'm  in  the  basement  doing  laundry  when  the  alarm  unexpectedly goes  off.....I  get  a  phone  call  from   Monitronics.....and   the  lady  on  the  other  line  asks  me  if  everything  is  alright....I  say  yes....she  asks  me  for  the  safety  word.....which  is  known  by  family  members....but   escapes  me  at  the  moment....I  tell  her  my  very  personal  access  code,  which  the   security  company  also  knows.   She  says  okay,  wishes  me  to  have  a  good  day  and  hangs  up....

Ten  minutes  later  I  hear  a's  an   Italian  guy  in a  police  uniform,  one  of  Brockton's   policemen.    He  asks  me  if  everything  is  alright,  then  wonders  if  I  live  here.   I  say  yes,   and   he  asks  me  for  I.D.   I   show  him  my   UMass-Boston  ID   and   he  says  okay  but  needs  something  with  my  address  on  it....I  excuse  myself  and  go  look  for it.  

Try  as  I  might,  I  can't  find  my  license.....I  return  to  him  with   mail  letters  with  my  name  and  address  on  them,  he  nods,    but   tells  me  he  needs   more.....I  am   feeling  frustrated.....seriously.   Does  this  cop  really  think  I'm  some  kind  of  bloody  burglar  ?    The  cop  asks  me  if  I  have  a  key  or  something.   I  pull my  spare  key  out  of  my  wallet,  and  insert  it  in  the  door.

The  cop  nods,  says  that  works  for  him,  wishes  me  a  good  day  and  leaves.

He  was  polite  and  patient  about  the  whole  thing....but  I  can't  help  but  wonder  if  he  would  have  asked  me  so  many  questions  had  I  know.

I  guess  I'll  never  know.

I'm  not  one  to  cry  racism  at  every  corner....To  me,   the  struggle  for   men's  rights  is  a   very  important  matter  men  worldwide   need  to  know  about  yet  most  of  them  don't  care....

I  have  a  degree  in  criminal  justice  and  I'm  heading  to  the  MSP  Academy  soon,   so  I  can  understand  the  cop's   suspicion.....but  unpleasant  feeling  in  the  back  of  my  head   won't  go  away.

Cops   look  at   individuals  of  different  ethnicities  differently  and  sometimes  it  leads  to  incidents....let's  leave  it  at  that.

For  my  part,   I  strive  to always  be  calm  and   logical  when  dealing  with  other  human  beings....though  some  people  test  my  patience.


Blackmanxxx, I agree there are those who will lbe treated different by race by others and your situation sounds like an example of that. Below is a link to the actual 911 call in this case and the lady even states it could be the owner but that it is suspicious without any real race mentioned except saying one looked like he MAY be Hispanic but she couldn't tell.

Having been on both sides of the badge several times in life I see both pretty well and understand the problems both see. Also growing up in an area, spending a lot of my adult life living and working in areas where I was the only white one around I have seen racism on both sides. I may be wrong but everything I have seen in this case just looks like Gates was at fault though being tired from a long trip would be a factor in his behavior. Better research in to him suggest my earlier opinion is wrong though and I believe it most likely was a tired man not that was pissed already and the situation just got out of hand as a result. Not really racism on any side but humans with miscommunication and emotions were the sole problems in the end.


Want  to  hear  something  funny  ?

About  two  months  ago,  I  was  in  a  similar  situation.

No, you were not.

As the facts later unveiled-
Apparently, you didn't immediately rail into the cops with bullshit  bigotry,  chafe that they didn't  "know how "important" you were...", "DEMAND satisfaction" from their superiors,  or call upon "important", non sequitur, "political" allies to reinforce, and vindicate  hydrophobic megalomaniacal chauvinism.

I'd say, judging by your account, your situation was entirely dissimilar.
Good on ya'.   

dr e

Blackmanxxx it is good to see you but I do think you owe this woman an apology:

While I think the article is overly kind to her by making her the "only sane person" etc etc I do think that she did act appropriately and intelligently and has gotten a lot of crap that is more due to people's own racism than to anything she has within herself.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


As soon as the race baiters got into the mix, and yes that means the idiot in the white house, all bets were on the evil white devils of law enforcement picking on a poor widdow black man....

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


 How About A National Conversation on Race Hoaxes? 
by Ann Coulter (more by this author)
Legal Affairs Correspondent, Human Events, July 29, 2009

You could not ask for a more perfect illustration of the thesis of my latest book, Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America, than the black president of the United States attacking a powerless white cop for arresting a black Harvard professor -- in a city with a black mayor and a state with a black governor -- as the professor vacations in Martha's Vineyard.
In modern America, the alleged "victim" is always really the aggressor, and the alleged "aggressor" is always the true victim.
President Barack Obama planted the question during a health care press conference, hoping he could satisfy the Chicago Sun-Times, which has been accusing him of not being black enough. He somehow imagined that the rest of the country might not notice the president of the United States gratuitously attacking a cop in a case of alleged "racial profiling."

Suddenly, with the glare of the national spotlight being turned on a small local story, it became clear that there was no "racial profiling" involved -- other than by the black Harvard professor, who lorded his credentials and connections over a white working-class cop.
We wouldn't have known about this case at all if the professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr., hadn't blast e-mailed the universe that he was harassed by racist cops. Gates thought it would be a feather in his cap, not realizing there are huge areas of the country where people don't think it's heroic to browbeat cops checking on you after you break into your own house, such as 99 percent of the country outside of Cambridge.
Contrary to liberals' ardent desire, Sgt. James Crowley was not on tape saying, "I know it's his house, but let's stick it to this uppity negro." (Curiously, the tape of Gates' call demanding to talk to the chief of police to "report" Crowley has been withheld. Some watchdog group has got to demand that tape.)
But what if Crowley hadn't been a model policeman who taught diversity classes and once famously gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a black athlete?
What if the 911 caller had identified the suspected burglars as black, which it turns out she did not?
What if Crowley hadn't been fully supported by other cops at the scene, one Hispanic and one black? (Liberals will say cops stick together, but I say liberals stick together.)
What if, at some point in his life, Crowley had been accused -- falsely or not -- of racism?
His life would be ruined.
Desperate to blame the cop, despite the facts, some liberals have begun making up their own facts. Radio talker Opio Sokoni claimed Crowley told Gates to "shut up" and "I'm going to win, you're going to jail." Even Gates doesn't claim the cop said that.
On MSNBC's "Hardball," Chris Matthews said that Gates did not say, "I'll speak with your mama outside," as stated in the police report.
"He didn't say this," Matthews asserted as fact. This invented fact allowed Matthews to accuse the cop of engaging in "projection" and to conjure Crowley's psychological state, saying, this is "what a white guy thought a black guy would say."
Eugene Robinson endorsed Matthews' invented fact, saying: "I cannot imagine in this universe Skip Gates saying, 'I'll speak with your mama outside.'" As proof, Robinson explained that Gates "rolls with kings and queens and Nobel Prize winners." (I'm not "projecting" what I think a black man would say; he really said that.)
And then they both had a laugh about the cop applying racist stereotypes to such an esteemed figure as Professor Gates, who apparently would NEVER use the phrase "your mama."
First, unlike these aesthetes, I don't consider "your mama" such an implausible expression for someone to use.
Second, Sgt. Crowley wrote his police report, including the "your mama" line, long before he, or anyone else, could have imagined the arrest was going to become nationwide, front-page news.
Third, there's a video of Gates using the N-word all over the Internet, and in that short, three-minute video, Gates uses the phrase "your mama."
The only contrary evidence is that Gates recently denied that he told the cop he'd "speak with your mama outside." He also desperately wants to drop the subject.
The left's last-ditch attempt to defend a powerful black man's attack on a powerless white man is to say the arrest was improper. In Time magazine, Lawrence O'Donnell factually announced, "Yelling does not meet the definition of disorderly conduct in Massachusetts."
You can argue the facts in court, but there's no question that the police report described the misdemeanor offense of "disorderly conduct" under Massachusetts law, which includes engaging in "tumultuous behavior" in "any neighborhood," thereby causing public "inconvenience, annoyance or alarm."
As everyone who's read the police report knows, Gates is described as going on an extended tirade against the officer, calling him a racist, saying the officer didn't know who he was messing with, acting irrationally, following the officer outside to continue haranguing him, and engaging in "tumultuous behavior" in and outside his house, drawing a small crowd of alarmed onlookers and police.
Suppose a cop didn't arrest a guy who was ranting and raving -- in his own home -- and, an hour later, the hothead assaults someone. Policeman: I was as surprised as anyone that he shot his girlfriend! Every liberal in the country would demand the cop's head.
And by the way, try screaming at a judge that he's a racist and see what happens. Why should police officers deserve less protection than judges? They're in more danger.
The disorderly conduct charge was not dropped because it wasn't a good arrest. It was dropped, according to Gates' own lawyer, because of Gates' connections.
Before liberals declare that this a case of racial profiling and move on, how about liberals produce one provable example of racial profiling that isn't a hoax?


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