Enemies Of Fathers Rights Using subscribed Traffic Generator to spread misandry.

Started by Tigerman, Sep 08, 2009, 03:34 PM

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"Rightsformothers.com" is a campaigning blog run by hardline feminists against fathers rights and against equity in the family courts - to boost their ratings I have now discovered that they are using a traffic generating site called alphainventions.com - this was set up by a cool dude called Cheru Jackson  about 18months ago and started of as a free service for generating traffic for blogs. It quickly became very popular (because it works!) that soon he introduced a premier service whereby for around a mere $10 a month your blog will stay in the reading cycle a lot longer and thereby increase traffic dramatically.  Looking at their website it is clear that they are closed minded feminists with some very nasty axes to grind and they are advertising and promoting links with well known opponents of fathers rights including the infamous Liz Kates pages and "Glens Cult" who specifically are targeting Glen Sacks.
This is a 'know thy enemy post' and some of you here who are involved in other groups for equity and fathers rights may well want to check out what they are up to - esp. if your group is one of those they are targeting either directly or through their networking.


The internet has a way of dealing with things like this on its own.
Imagine waking up tomorrow to find
that unbelievably rape is now legal.

You would be freaking out, telling everyone you ran into this is crazy- something needs to be done... now!!! And then every man you told this to just very smugly and condescendingly says...

"Hey... not all men are 'like that.'"


Sep 08, 2009, 04:22 PM Last Edit: Sep 08, 2009, 04:24 PM by Galt
I hope their husbands aren't financing their diddling around on the Internet. But that's how it works sometimes.

If it's the ex-husband forced to make court-ordered payments to the sow, that's one thing, but I have trouble even imagining the incredible mangina-ness of a current husband forking over dough for this.


The internet has a way of dealing with things like this on its own.

I hope your right, groups like Fathers 4 Justice and Glen Sacks have done much to change perceptions and put pressure on a highly biased and unfair system for positive change it would be a shame to see that momentum being halted by yet another set of hate mongerers!



read a couple paragraghs--i feel sick


I say fair play to them.  Seriously.  This is the internet, free speech and all that.

I say that because I believe reality has a strong bias toward the MRA points of view.  We have common sense on our side (we want true quality split down the middle).   So let these women makes fools of themselves.  Then when feminism is debated on a "neutral" website, I'll send links to the rightsformothers.com.  People can make up their own minds.  Likely with anchor text which reads "does feminism support men's rights"  :greener: (which in theory helps their site rank slightly higher for such a keyphrase)


Actually it's a little odd they call themselves "justice4mothers.com" and their website is hosted on http://justice4mothers.wordpress.com/

If you go to the actual domain : http://www.justice4mothers.com/ there's no website hosted.

Talk about wanting to make yourself look stupid.  Call yourself "justice4mothers", but adding .com when you don't own the domain name makes you look cheap.  

After further perusal I can't see anyone who's left a single comment below any of the blog entries (apart from the top entry which is dated 8th November, it's gained 17 comments in 10 months).  

So to summarise: it's a website hosted on a free hosting service using free software that has so little traffic as to having had only 17 comments made by visitors in 10 months, and in a very amateur way calls itself "justice4mothers.com" even though the owner doesn't own the domain name.  

MRAs, how are we gonna deal with such firepower?  :yikes:


Fight back! I use software that allows me to generate hits daily on MRA sites and blogs, and send phrases to search engines. Face it, there's too many MRA sites out there and nobody can read them all, let alone visit them just to give them a hit. With this software, 1 person can generate 30 hits a month for hundreds of sites during periods when their computers sit idle. 10 people can generate 300 per month, 100 can generate 3000 and 1000 can generate 30,000. PM me here if you're interested. I'd like to see this grow to every single MRA. If there is a fair amount of interest, I will select a trusted few who will refer others they trust to use this program. If not, c'est la vie.
Explaining misandry to a feminist is like explaining "wet" to a fish.


Fight back! I use software that allows me to generate hits daily on MRA sites and blogs, and send phrases to search engines. Face it, there's too many MRA sites out there and nobody can read them all, let alone visit them just to give them a hit. With this software, 1 person can generate 30 hits a month for hundreds of sites during periods when their computers sit idle. 10 people can generate 300 per month, 100 can generate 3000 and 1000 can generate 30,000. PM me here if you're interested. I'd like to see this grow to every single MRA. If there is a fair amount of interest, I will select a trusted few who will refer others they trust to use this program. If not, c'est la vie.

Just wondering, what's the point? I mean, these "hits" are just people being told to visit a site, right? There's no intent behind the visit other than to add another number to the total.  I don't see the point.  What's the end goal?


Fight back! I use software that allows me to generate hits daily on MRA sites and blogs, and send phrases to search engines. Face it, there's too many MRA sites out there and nobody can read them all, let alone visit them just to give them a hit. With this software, 1 person can generate 30 hits a month for hundreds of sites during periods when their computers sit idle. 10 people can generate 300 per month, 100 can generate 3000 and 1000 can generate 30,000. PM me here if you're interested. I'd like to see this grow to every single MRA. If there is a fair amount of interest, I will select a trusted few who will refer others they trust to use this program. If not, c'est la vie.

Just wondering, what's the point? I mean, these "hits" are just people being told to visit a site, right? There's no intent behind the visit other than to add another number to the total.  I don't see the point.  What's the end goal?

Pushing those sites to higher spots in search engine results.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


Fight back! I use software that allows me to generate hits daily on MRA sites and blogs, and send phrases to search engines. Face it, there's too many MRA sites out there and nobody can read them all, let alone visit them just to give them a hit. With this software, 1 person can generate 30 hits a month for hundreds of sites during periods when their computers sit idle. 10 people can generate 300 per month, 100 can generate 3000 and 1000 can generate 30,000. PM me here if you're interested. I'd like to see this grow to every single MRA. If there is a fair amount of interest, I will select a trusted few who will refer others they trust to use this program. If not, c'est la vie.

Just wondering, what's the point? I mean, these "hits" are just people being told to visit a site, right? There's no intent behind the visit other than to add another number to the total.  I don't see the point.  What's the end goal?

Rankings in search engines for starters ! Also in wordpress for example any new post you make even if tagged up with the most relevant tags will not make it to their featured blogs pages unless you are getting some form of decent trafffic.
I also should have pointed out earlier that alphainventions.com still has the free service running and you can manually put your bog into the reading cycle in fact this way you could easilly generate at least a 1000 hits A DAY if you or others working together put enough time into it.


This group is .... I dunno - words fail me.

On one of their posts they deny that there is any "fatherhood crisis" at all, but then in another talk about how men abandon "the family" (the feminist unit of a mother and child/ren).

It's a common and known fact, complete regardless of MRAs input, that there are a TON of single parent families out there, that it's bad for kids, and that this causes  problems for children as they grow up.

But, since, to them, it's not a "fatherhood crisis" it must be .... what?  A MOTHERHOOD crisis?

And I saw some posts whereby they complain how women ALWAYS get the shaft in family courts.

In one article, that Glenn ran, in England a woman who was a career woman who lost custody (temporarily) and it got press coverage was a cause celbre for them.  It "showed how working mothers are punished" - ahhh, yea, ONE woman who had this happen is a news story and a tradgedy, but MILLIONS of men have this happen and it's not even accepted as a fact at all.

Wow.  I know MRAs, myself included, can be myopic in our views, but these chicks are off their rockers.

Oh, one thing further, they complained how father's rights groups "don't account for the money they spend"

1)  What public money do we GET!?  And further, if it's private, it's nunya bizness sweetheart.

2)  Let's see if public funded DV shelters that don't even admit men will open THEIR books?~!

Whacked out women for sure.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


Pushing those sites to higher spots in search engine results.

Rankings in search engines for starters !

Well, I work in the SEO field (I'm web developer who's learnt SEO over the last 4 to 5 years). 

Volume of traffic is irrelevant if the bounce rate is terrible, and I would argue it's WORSE to plug your site into alphainventions.com, because it guarantees a terrible bounce rate (as it rotates through the sites, only staying on the home page for seconds before going to the next site).  Somebody visiting your site and leaving it seconds later suggests to search engines they didn't find what they were looking for on your site. 

Search engines care about bounce rate because a "sticky" site (one which has people going onto it, spending time on it, browsing several pages) is one which they want to feature higher in the rankings. 


So SIAM, since you are so knowledgeable about SEO etc, what do you think about K9's software that generates hits on MRA sites?

Sounds good but I don't know enough to say. MRA webmasters might put a lot of time into their websites thinking that they are getting a lot of hits, but K9's software might be fooling them?

I am all for boosting search engine placement etc, but do the techniques such as K9s actually work IYHO?
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Well hits are one thing, but length of stay (bounce rate) is another.  One thing from K9's post :-

1 person can generate 30 hits a month for hundreds of sites during periods when their computers sit idle.

It would appear these are just automated click throughs as the software cycles through the websites on the list.  If it fools technorati or other blog aggregation sites into thinking your site's popular then I'd say that's a poor reflection on technorati (et al)'s way to measure a site's popularity.  I know search engines measure length of time on the site as a big factor (for example, Google can do this via Google Analytics / Google Toolbar / Google Adsense in terms of measuring length of stay, number of pages visited) as a yardstick as to how useful a website is perceived to be.

IMHO, a good long-term stratgy to promoting your blog is a bit "boring" in that's not magic, but works :-

1. Write interesting content.  And write regularly.  If you have decent content, people will return to the site.  And people who visit more than once are much more likely to remember your site and recommend it.

2. Link building.  This is a big area of SEO and inbound links to your site are arguably the biggest influence as to where you rank.  There are many ways to gain links, most of them are via some kind of bartering of goods, services, money etc.  Just don't make it obvious your inbounds are paid for. 

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