This group is .... I dunno - words fail me.
On one of their posts they deny that there is any "fatherhood crisis" at all, but then in another talk about how men abandon "the family" (the feminist unit of a mother and child/ren).
It's a common and known fact, complete regardless of MRAs input, that there are a TON of single parent families out there, that it's bad for kids, and that this causes problems for children as they grow up.
But, since, to them, it's not a "fatherhood crisis" it must be .... what? A MOTHERHOOD crisis?
And I saw some posts whereby they complain how women ALWAYS get the shaft in family courts.
In one article, that Glenn ran, in England a woman who was a career woman who lost custody (temporarily) and it got press coverage was a cause celbre for them. It "showed how working mothers are punished" - ahhh, yea, ONE woman who had this happen is a news story and a tradgedy, but MILLIONS of men have this happen and it's not even accepted as a fact at all.
Wow. I know MRAs, myself included, can be myopic in our views, but these chicks are off their rockers.
Oh, one thing further, they complained how father's rights groups "don't account for the money they spend"
1) What public money do we GET!? And further, if it's private, it's nunya bizness sweetheart.
2) Let's see if public funded DV shelters that don't even admit men will open THEIR books?~!
Whacked out women for sure.