I discovered this guy while tracking down definitions of words relating to the MRM. When I got to "Antifeminism", his name was listed along with Camille Paglia as an antifeminist author.
His brief bio, on
http://www.artandpopularculture.com was loaded with conroversial stuff, including a prison sentence for beating up a girlfriend (who left death threats on his answering machine).
It turns out that he has a website of his own,
and the controversy continues. One article is titled
"I Feel Your Pain, Ike Turner", another
"Group Therapy Session Ends in 2 Deaths, 1 in a Coma"; still another reads
"Ever Try Eating (P****) With The Hiccups?". This material is copyrighted, so I won't push my luck. Suffice it to say, I completely understand why he would be considered an anifeminist author, and why I'm glad he's on our side!