Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

Started by Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum, Oct 09, 2009, 06:51 PM

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Something to think about. 

Article here:  http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/10/did_we_elect_a_beta_male_as_pr_1.html


"With his "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist" opening to the world's dictators, the President is exhibiting classic beta male behavior, in essence rolling over on his back and exposing his throat to them to make sure they know he has no intention of challenging their authority."



Beta-male? I don't know about that but he definately has the classical leftist world view that if we are nice all those dictators will be nice too.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


George Bush was the worst President in America's history, so everyone is relived to have someone different in charge.  :sunny:
Men's Movie Guide:  http://www.mensmovieguide.com   The Healing Tomb: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081N1X145

Men's Rights Activist

I don't know if he's a beta male, but he's certainly not an alpha male.   If our president were a dog in a worldwide pack of dogs, the other dogs would be urinating on him and claiming him as their territory and their subordinate, IMO.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


George Bush was the worst President in America's history, so everyone is relived to have someone different in charge.  :sunny:


Look up James Earl Carter for that distiction.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.

Cordell Walker

George Bush was the worst President in America's history, so everyone is relived to have someone different in charge.  :sunny:


Look up James Earl Carter for that distiction.

the general consensus is that jimmy sucked donkey balls as prez, but really, at that point in our history, could anyone have been half ass decent?
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

dr e

It's dangerous to judge a president until many years after he leaves office.  There are too many things that we simply don't know.  Bush may be an example of that, we just don't know at this point.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Men's Rights Activist

It's dangerous to judge a president until many years after he leaves office.

And when judging through the bright red colored glasses (Marxist filters) of academia a permanent, dunce bias infests all of history with the lies of the left.  When is comes to students educated by left wing teachers, "stupid is as stupid does" was never a truer statement.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


It's dangerous to judge a president until many years after he leaves office.  There are too many things that we simply don't know.  Bush may be an example of that, we just don't know at this point.

Some unhappy beings (voters) have to judge him before he enters office, and then suffer the consequences.


It's dangerous to judge a president until many years after he leaves office.  There are too many things that we simply don't know.  Bush may be an example of that, we just don't know at this point.


I am no expert on American politics, but surely you cannot entirely blame the President alone for a poor term of office.  He has so many different elites and lobbies to placate that his task must be well nigh impossible. The Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Jewish lobby and of course mangina liberals are all clamoring to influence national and international policy. Bluntly, I don't know why anyone would bother being President, he surely has little personal freedom to express a 'politics of conviction' like George Washington and the great Presidents of old. The modern world is just too pluralistic and complex for that.

Anglobitch: the site for men who know Anglo-American women suck


many different elites and lobbies to placate

True but...

He have given the US:

- 2 wars (Iraq for no reason anyone can understand)
- a recession brought on by insufficient bank regulation
- Katrina - a total botch job - also no money for dikes, but lots for B2 bombers.
- One of the highest debt/GDP ratios in the developed world
- Manufacturing has gone to China. No response to China's rigged currency or copyright & patent infringements

A really sad performance IMHO.
Men's Movie Guide:  http://www.mensmovieguide.com   The Healing Tomb: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081N1X145

Men's Rights Activist

Oct 10, 2009, 04:16 PM Last Edit: Oct 11, 2009, 03:47 PM by Men's Rights Activist
Duck, hip shooter running amok.  "He"?  He who?

- 2 wars (Iraq for no reason anyone can understand)

Threat of weapons of mass destruction after 9/11 was enough for me.  Of course, we know Iran is similarly spoofing us now, right?

- a recession brought on by insufficient bank regulation

The policies of Clinton forced banks to make loans to poor people who couldn't pay them back and when banks tried to foreclose on those people, radical leftist groups protested the banks.  That's very clearly one of the main things, if not the main thing that caused the recession.

- Katrina - a total botch job - also no money for dikes, but lots for B2 bombers.

Maybe Holland could pay back to America some of the money spent to rebuild Europe after WWII by sending money and engineers to New Orleans.  How often does N.O. get hit by that kind of hurricane and why didn't the residents get out when warned?  Why did they loot things like TV's after Katrina hit.  Yea, those TV's are real necessities.

- One of the highest debt/GDP ratios in the developed world

And getting much higher under Obama as he bails out worthless socialist programs and prints more money.

- Manufacturing has gone to China. No response to China's rigged currency or copyright & patent infringements

No one was doing anything about the copyright infringement when I was in Taiwan in 1969, and you could buy a set of Encyclopaedia Britannica's in Kaohsiung for $25.00.  They're still not.  Let's see, that's:  Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush (1), Clinton, Bush (2), Obama.  Count them, nine U.S. presidents, at least, who have done nothing about China's infringement of copyrights.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

No, "we" didn't.

We're talking about President Obama, right?
Why did Paul Guelph immediately turn to the traditional venue
for excusing potential criticism of the current "we won" seated public servant
when a question of the campaign rhetoric has suffered massive fail to produce actual fruit?

Something about Truth in Advertising Laws comes to mind.

Mr. X

- 2 wars (Iraq for no reason anyone can understand)

So then you ignore the fact the Taliban based in afghanistan directly took responsible for 9/11 AND you ignore the fact we were in a cease fire with Iraq and under the Un terms of resolutions 1441 and 687 we can proceed to depose Saddam if he violated any of the UN resolutions. He violated all of them. Treaty violation is grounds for war. Besides Bush eliminated two obstacles to progressivism and the democrats didn't have to get thier hands dirty.

- a recession brought on by insufficient bank regulation

Sorry but it wa s recession (contraction of about 2 trillion) caused by CRA, the laws forcing home loan people to make loans to low income house holds then deregulating fanny and freddie to allow these loans to be bought up and then stuffed into triple A loan packages which were then sold to investors. Once these bad loans started to go bad the market lost faith in the US's triple A rating and the market deflated. Add to that the fed intentionally keeping interest rates low.

- Katrina - a total botch job - also no money for dikes, but lots for B2 bombers.
Katrina weas a failure of New Orleans to spend the money appropriated for lvis on levies. Blame the local cgov for that fiasco. FEMA dealt with Florida hurrianes for decades with no incidences. A president does not control hurrianes.

- One of the highest debt/GDP ratios in the developed world
Yeah and who spent all that 5 trillion??? Only 1.5 was spent on the wart. Name me one democrat who said "no we can't spend that money that would be wrong." Dems sure spent the money they voted to spend.

- Manufacturing has gone to China. No response to China's rigged currency or copyright & patent infringements
And thank Clinton for the sweet heart deals he set up with china under his administration.

A really sad performance IMHO.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


Re: Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

A good starting point would be to recognise that there are no longer alpha, beta or epsilon minus males, at least not in this land with its inverted femaleist social model.

All status measures of maleness have increasingly become obsolete, to the point where today the only valid measure for all males is "proletarian stooge !"

Why is "proletarian stooge" a valid measure of status for all males in femaleist countries and genderised societies ?

See the following reasons if you are male. Bear in mind that by procedural and cultural machination, they do not apply in the reciprocate if you are female.

If you are male:

You cannot hold posession of, without a females' adverse rights and privileges against you, property, income, or pensions.

You cannot hold posession of, without a females' adverse rights and privileges against you, arms or weapons.

You cannot hold posession of, without a females adverse rights and privileges against you, certain classes of office or employment requiring certain security clearances.

You cannot hold posession of, without a females adverse rights and privileges against you, professional, vocational, motoring, driving or other licenses. You cannot even hold a passport.

You cannot hold posession of, without a females adverse rights and privileges against you, your very own inheritances and heirlooms.

You cannot even hold posession of, without a females adverse rights and privileges against you, your very own flesh and blood in progeny.

You cannot even hold posession of, without a females adverse rights and privileges against you, your very own life and liberty.

So if you are male in this society, it is in order to realise that you have become a proletarian stooge literally without autonomous or independent status. You are no different in standing to the most embiggened male leaders of the land nor lower than the most humbled male loosers and bums.

It makes no sense to talk of alpha males or differentiations of status and rank amongst men. Such smak-talk was of a different age and a byegone era. Wake up to the different period you're living in.

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