US agency probes possible gender bias at colleges

Started by scarbo, Dec 18, 2009, 01:00 PM

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US agency probes possible gender bias at colleges, will subpoena data from 19 universities,0,1974731.story


Associated Press Writer

3:40 PM CST, December 17, 2009

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A federal civil rights agency investigating possible gender discrimination in college admissions will subpoena data from more than a dozen mid-Atlantic universities, officials said Thursday.

The probe by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is focusing on whether some colleges favor men by admitting them at higher rates than women, or by offering them more generous aid packages.

Commission members voted Wednesday to authorize subpoenas for 19 universities within a 100-mile radius of their meeting place -- in this case, Washington -- which is the geographical extent of their subpoena authority.

The schools represent a mixture of sizes and include public, private, religious, secular, historically black and moderately selective to highly selective institutions. There are six in Maryland, five in Pennsylvania, three in Washington, two each in Virginia and Delaware, and one in West Virginia.

Women outnumber men nearly 60 percent to 40 percent in higher education nationally. The probe grew out of anecdotal evidence and news accounts that admissions officials are discriminating against women to promote a more even gender mix, said commission spokeswoman Lenore Ostrowsky. [(scarbo here) Yeah, and when it's done in the reverse it's called AFFIRMATIVE ACTION]

Spokespeople for several schools on the list declined comment Thursday since they had not received the subpoenas.

Statistics from a few colleges on the list reveal varying percentages of men and women on campus.

Gettysburg College in central Pennsylvania, a highly selective liberal arts school, reports virtually an even gender split this year in its student body: 1,345 men and 1,338 women, according to its Web site.

The college's ratio slightly favored women in each of the previous four years, with about 1,400 women and 1,200 men, the statistics show.

Barbara Fritze, vice president for enrollment and educational services at Gettysburg, said the college will cooperate with the inquiry but stressed that it has not been the subject of a complaint.

Data from last year at Georgetown University, a private, highly selective Catholic school in Washington, show a split of 54 percent women and 46 men in its population of about 7,100 undergraduate students. However, its graduate programs in business, law and medicine have more men.

The public University of Delaware reports undergraduate enrollment of 58 percent women and 42 percent men in each year from 2004-2008, according to its Web site.

Ostrowsky said if all schools cooperate and comply swiftly with the subpoenas, the agency could have a report out in six months. But some schools may not be able to produce the data quickly, even though it has likely been gathered already in one form or another for their own use, she said.

She would not specify what the subpoenas will request.

If the commission's findings are "startling," the agency could seek a wider sampling of data by meeting in a new location, thus changing the 100-mile radius of its subpoena authority, she said. Or the agency could simply ask schools to volunteer the information, Ostrowsky said.

Federal Title IX legislation, meant to promote gender equity, does not apply to admissions because lawmakers wanted to ensure the existence of women's colleges, she noted.

The subpoenaed colleges are: Howard University, Lincoln University, Virginia Union University and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, all historically black; Catholic University in Washington D.C., Loyola University in Maryland and Messiah College in Pennsylvania, all religious; Georgetown, Johns Hopkins and Gettysburg, all "highly selective"; the University of Richmond, considered "very selective"; York College in Pennsylvania, Goucher College in Baltimore, Goldey-Beacom College in Delaware and Washington College in Chestertown, Md., all private and "moderately selective"; and Shepherd University in West Virginia, Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania, the University of Delaware and the University of Maryland Baltimore County, all public and "moderately selective."

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

The Biscuit Queen

Wait a minute.

Women out number men 60%-40% in college

There are women-only colleges, but no male-only colleges

For decades it has been ok for schools to favor women to get enrollment up.

So the conclusion is men are getting preferencial treament????!!!

How the heck does that work???

he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.

Captain Courageous

Dec 18, 2009, 01:30 PM Last Edit: Dec 18, 2009, 01:36 PM by Captain Courageous
A federal civil rights agency? WHAT federal civil rights agency? Just how friggin' many of them are there???

They're favoring men to promote a more even gender mix? Isn't that what they're supposed to do under law?

Is this being funded by OUR tax dollars???

Would you email this article to [email protected] or [email protected]? Your congressman or senator?

We definitely need to chip in and hire ourselves a lobbyist!!! :angryfire:

Mr. Bad

As scarbo noted, when they do this to favor women it's called affirmative action, but when it's applied to men for the same reasons (i.e, diversity) it's called discrimination.  WTF?!

In Grutter v. Bollinger, the SCOTUS ruled that since "diversity" is a compelling societal interest, narrowly-tailored affirmative action is legal.  We can thank Sandy O'Connor for that.  Therefore, IMHO, this is legal except in states that have constitutional bans on affirmative action, e.g., California, Washington, Michigan, etc. 

This just exposes the lie that feminism is about equality between women and men.  If that were really true they'd not only not be raising a stink about this, they'd be demanding gender parity on college and university campuses. 
"Men in teams... got the human species from caves to palaces. When we watch men's teams at work, we pay homage to 10,000 years of male achievements; a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean labor that feminism has been too mean-spirited to acknowledge."  Camille Paglia

Cordell Walker

If you dont want to be a doctor or lawyer, I dont see the point in four year academic education
in four years you could learn serveral decent trades well enough to always be able to make a living
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


Here's the link to the US Commission on Civil Rights:

Whereas I'm sure a lot of the work they do is very valuable, looking down the various lists on the front page of the website, especially under "Commission News" I got a very definite feeling I was looking at the work of a commission that needs to try anything to keep itself in business.

Anyway, I couldn't find any info backing up the claims in the original AP article, but this link on the front page ( pops up a meeting agenda in which you can see, under "III. Program Planning" that the first item of discussion is "Update on Status of Title IX Project / Motion to Approve Institutions to be Included in Project."

If anyone can find more info on the website, please post it to this board. Thanks!

Captain Courageous

Here's a Washington Post article from eleven years ago, to put this issue in perspective:

Affirmative Action
Under Attack

By Dan Froomkin Staff
October 1998

Affirmative action is the nation's most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimination. But these days it seems to incite, rather than ease, the nation's internal divisions.

An increasingly assertive opposition movement argues that the battle to guarantee equal rights for all citizens has been fought and won - and that favoring members of one group over another simply goes against the American grain.

But defenders of affirmative action say that the playing field is not level yet - and that granting modest advantages to minorities and women is more than fair, given hundreds of years of discrimination that benefited whites and men.

The basis for this crap is not that the discrimination must end, but that we must atone


No More Guilt.
I never owned a black person.
I never denied oppurtunity to a woman.
Fuck the gov't!
Explaining misandry to a feminist is like explaining "wet" to a fish.


doesnt pretty much any kind of engineering program do the exact same thing in favor of women? Oh I forgot if its used for women its okay, but heaven for bid we try to help out guys at all.  This wouldnt need to happen if the gov't would get off its a$$ and do something about the boys crisis in school, but I guess thats "politically incorrect" to do maybe when the gender gap reaches 70-30 or 80-20 the gov't might throw a few bones to the male side instead of just worrying about girls.

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