My precious Mrs. N2F broke her ankle December 2. As she is already crippled, this turn of events places us in a lot of hardship. We are doing well, however, thanks to friends and family.
My point: She was operated on on a Friday night. The surgeon then went on to perform FIFTY (50) similar operations in a TWO DAY (48 hour) PERIOD!!!! Do the math: each procedure took +/- 1.5 hours....!!! How the f**k does anyone stay frosty with such a grueling schedule?
A local paramedic ripped a tendon in her ankle in a patient transfer maneuver. Surgeon needed to remove tendon from her hip area to graft to her ankle. Trouble is he measured once and cut once... and screwed up! She is permanently crippled now as he CUT TOO SHORT! She must wear this ski -boot type of affair to walk, otherwise her foot goes wonky. Oh yeah.. lots of pain... for the rest of her life!
Mistakes happen in the US system for sure. Human beings are not perfect. But expecting doctors to work assembly-line medicine as it is "cost effective" in our socialist system creates mistakes that that need not happen!
Fight that monster Obama and his health care package with all your might!
(BTW, my wife had bunny ears felt penned on her injured leg to ensure the exhausted docs cut into the right one!!!)