It seems to me that women don't mind not taking the back seat, as long as there's an advantage to it. Also, the fact that they're not taking an active role must be spun to sound positive.
"Ladies first" never applies to entering a dangerous situation but its axiomatic when getting out of one.
I see it as, imagine a group getting a project done and there's one person (theres ALWAYS one) that doesn't pull their weight. If the prject gets rewarded they make sure that they're mentioned with the rest of the group. If the other members make a point out that they hardly contributed, that person answers back with something like "well, I knew you guys can handle it" or taking credit for geniously delegating the work.
With the plane incident they have their "men are stronger" excuse. Yep, its ok to use it NOW since it'll absolve you of criticism for not helping. Any other time however, they'll argue it tooth and nail. I wonder though, if one woman did help. Would they make her the "Kelly Lynch" of the plane?