First, it's not Johnny, it's Mike.
Second, multiple marriages can indicate various things, not necessarily a pattern of "questionable behavior" (I infer that you mean abusive behavior). One constant is Mike himself -- that is true -- but the problem with those marriages going south may also have been in the type of women to whom he is attracted.
In which case his judgement is highly questionable. At the very least.
Unless you were there you don't know what kind of dynamic existed between them.
IF it were one - or even two - divorces, and nothing else, maybe. What we have here is pattern.
I'll say this, however. For Mike Wooten's ex wife, Molly, to fuss in her petition to a family court about how Mike complained about a $5.00 fee says a lot more about her than it does about him.
What, as an example of his pettiness?
And like I said earlier, in collusion with Molly, Sarah and Todd Palin have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Mike in an attempt to demonize and vilify him, supporting Molly's unproven charges reflexively. "Always believe the victim," says the feminist mantra (and, apparently, also Sarah Palin).
Blood is thicker than water says the HUMAN mantra, and I expect it. I expect sisters to take sister's sides, brother's to take sister's sides, sisters to take brother's sides, brother's to take brother's sides, and family to side with family except where the behavior is so infamous and scandalous that decency forfends. That isn't feminist or masculist or anything. It's blood.
Where I go south is where, for example, mother's take the side of their son's ex-wives, or sisters the side of those ex-wives to protect their female privilege.
Third, I find the memorandum relevant to establishing context, but only a guilty verdict by jury relevant to establishing criminal guilt. You, however, have made up your mind about culpability, absent a jury verdict. As far as the criteria by which political candidates are evaluated (and Sarah Palin almost certainly will be a presidential candidate; I'd bet money on it), I think that your tolerance for imperfection should plummet in comparison to that which you have shown to Wooten.
I, in fact, don't want her as a candidate because she is damaged political goods thanks to the liberal witch hunt conducted on her, Barack Hussein Soweto didn't have 31 journalists fly to Chicago to
dig up dirt for a smear job vet him. I like her right where she's at, making lefty heads explode every time she says "You Betcha." She'll be old news like Klinton, or the Bushies is she becomes Ex-president Palin (Let alone ex-candidate). Where she's at now, she's the gift that keeps on giving for the rest of my natural life.
Any woman who takes the opportunity to stand on the National Stage and praise and gush on her husband of 20 years and incite feminists to riot is Feminist Kryptonite. ABortion and destruction of the nuclear family are two of their sacraments, and she turns them on their ear, proving that a woman can be high powered, family centered, love their men, hot, and pro-life, and be a success at it. All without the benefit of gender feminist theology and bitchiness.
More, please.