I believe men have legitimate arguments. The family courts are biased toward men, giving custody to the mother 90% of the time, divorce can be initiated by the woman and the laws are such that the man can lose everything, even if judged as "irreconcilable differences", the medical treatments for men are feminized, i.e. prostate cancer (if you want to prevent prostate cancer, just have frequent sex or wack off often, doctors use to recommend this, but not anymore), men have a lot of stuff against them, and have a right to voice outrage against it. Now, you take men like me, and, whoa, women realize you just came down from the fathership--smart enough not marry, know the truth about women and their predatory nature, realize that most women are sexually dysfunctional and have severe mental disorders, which need to treated as such, but instead are classified as "well that is just how women are", and you got some firepower behind the men that have really suffered, so get ready for the big time "whine" fest. Things are going to change.