Started by FEMINAZIHATEMARTYR, Dec 12, 2003, 11:06 AM

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From a couple of prison guards, and some of the inmates who I used to teach computer skills to.

As they put it, you either do the raping, or you become the bitch.

It's about being the 'top dog'.


Only about 10 percent of prisoners are raped though. They do get raped multiple times but it's still only 10% or so. If it was rape or be raped the number would higher.



<<Only about 10 percent of prisoners are raped though.>>

I don't care if it's 1% or 0.1%, that's frankly something that shouldn't exist in the western world.  Or anywhere ... but I'll start with the western world.


Yes but my point was that the rape or be raped idea doesn't make sense with that number.


That's 10% that anyone knows of.

I wonder how many of those rapes nobody but the victim and perpetrator know anything about?


It would have to be at least 50% to be "rape or be raped". That's a much larger number then 10%.

I think it would be more accurate to attribute prison rape to fucked up individuals. They're angry people naturally and then you put them into a prison that magnifies their bad behavior and you get prison rape. In their minds it might be about domination but no normal man would rape another man unless there's something wrong with them. And I think a man raping a woman is the same thing. They're pissed off about something and their object of anger becomes a woman for whatever reason (or a man in prison) so they decide to go fuck her up and make her feel like shit. It's not about domination, they just want to hurt somebody.

And in the case of male on female rape or even male on male rape, they might just be horny, no matter how bad that sounds which may be the reason rape isn't characterized like that. I like Amber's idea that feminists have changed rape to mean domination because that makes the women who are raped feel good. Because if the man has an urge to want to dominate her like that, that must mean the woman is worthy enough of that urge.


Well, I can only give you the perspective of someone who has been there. It was an assault, rather like any other serious assault. What the feminists held against me was that I didn't think it was different or worse than any form of violent attack.

That's what it was, and that's all it was. I didn't think it was about sex then, and it wouldn't occur to me to think it was now.

Perhaps that's why I can understand prison rape being not about sex but about dominating someone else. Every system has a hierarchy, in which some dominate and some serve. Whatever form of violence makes someone a slave seems to work fine in prison.


I'm sorry to hear that. Yes the vast majority of rape cases are most likely assaults rather then being about sex.

But rape (or rather, a sexual assault) doesn't always have to be about domination. That may be the case in prison rape but rape is not the only means the prisoners use to dominate each other. The overall method the prisoners use to dominate each other is violence and intimidation. The reason some prisoners use rape as a form of domination is just because it's a form of violence and it suits their mentality.

The fact that in prison the prisoners have a need to dominate each other due to a hierarchy sheds some light on non-prison rape. In non-prison rape there is no hierarchy that encompasses the rapist and the random rape victim. The only reason they can have for raping a random person is out of a need to hurt someone and their mentality allows them to use rape as a form of violence. The reasons are different for a rapist not in prison then for a rapist in prison but their ability to use rape for their intended purpose comes from the fact they have mental problems and not simply from a need to dominate someone else.

Whether they're using rape as violence or domination it's still from a need to hurt the person.


"Whether they're using rape as violence or domination it's still from a need to hurt the person."

This is called "schadenfreude", the instinctual narcissism that is the downfall of all primate species.
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius


Another thing about prison rape. If they're trying to establish a hierarchy with rape why do they so often target the effeminate prisoners? Those prisoners are obviously always going to be looked at as the bitches whether they get raped or not. That just shows that probobly the majority of prison rape doesn't have to do with domination.


gmk1212 said:
Another thing about prison rape. If they're trying to establish a hierarchy with rape why do they so often target the effeminate prisoners? Those prisoners are obviously always going to be looked at as the bitches whether they get raped or not.

Because the effeminate ones are seen as weaker, and anybody who wants to bully another person, to rule over that person, picks easy targets.

Think about it.

Bullies in school pick the scrawny, weak kid with glasses.

Bullies in prison pick who? The scrawny, weak, effeminate guy.

Easy targets are preferable to those who might put up a fight.

That just shows that probobly the majority of prison rape doesn't have to do with domination.

Actually, what it shows is the classic bully mentality. Pick the easiest possible victim who won't be too much effort.


Yeah exactly but it doesn't have anything to do with a hierarchy. The rapists are just mentally disturbed. They're angry about something so they take it out on someone else.


They're in a system in which they are the bullies.

Some of them were bullies as kids, and some of them were those who were bullied. Either way, they want the easiest, weakest target to exert their power over.


The rapists don't care about power, they're fueled by anger and they just want to hurt someone. The reason for the anger that fuels them could be for various reasons. But if you assume the rape victims are weaker than the rapists that means the rapists are doing it because they're sodomists. Because if they pick a weaker person just because they want to pick on someone that means they don't care who it is as long as it's someone they're able to hurt.


Why does a mugger pick someone who they think can't fight back?

Why does a serial killer like Jeffrey Dahmer pick young boys who can't fight back?

So, why does a rapist pick someone who can't fight back?

Makes their 'job' less risky.

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