Amber said:
It amazes me how often girls are insistent that they don't really want commitment-based sex, pure raw animal fucking is what they want!
I've been walking around this earth longer than you have, so I'll thank you not to get preachy.
Here is a hint to women who believe this and men who still believe women can have "sex like men": they can't. These girls are being dishonest with themselves. Don't be surprised when, after buying their horseshit that they can fuck you then leave you, that they in fact end up wanting more out of you.
Maybe you want 'more' out of some guy, but you're not everyone, thankfully. You're also talking about people older and wiser than you are about their own lives as if they are children. You are one arrogant piece of work.
I think moral relativism and the "equality" mantra about male-female relationships go hand in hand. The equality mantra, especially regarding male-female relationships makes me want to vomit. The sexes aren't equal. They never will be.
So, which sex is worth less?
As absurd as it may sound to you, quite a lot of people have relationships as equal partners, neither one worth more or less than the other, and it works very well.
Of course, you have neither any academic knowledge nor real world knowledge on which to base your
assumptions, do you?
Anyway, the fundamental relationship should be a woman worshipping a man and a man putting a woman on a pedestal. That's because the man should be of a character *worth* worshipping; the woman should be *worth* worshipping. It places an emphasis on virtue and high quality individuals.
Mutual respect is far better than deifying a person as if they are perfect. The only result of worshipping someone is the disappointment one stifles every day at the knowledge that the other person isn't perfect. No one is. So, instead of lying to yourself and pretending they are, why not just respect each other for who you
really are?
What is this "equal" bullshit? You're going to look at each other as equal what ... equally capable of moral vacancy; equally capable of lacking any kind of substance; equally capable of regarding sex as nothing but a mechanical act?
As people equally deserving of respect and honesty. Other people,
Amber, have no obligation to live up to your morals, nor did they ask you to foist those morals upon them. You'll notice that I am not telling you what you lack, so why are you sitting there as if you are in some position to judge me?
You are not.
I don't think these people fundamentally know how to love or value a person. If they did, they would know what I mean by "worship."
You have no idea what capacity for love another person has. You're far too clouded by hatred and judgmentalism.
As for 'worship', the word is defined as:
wor·ship ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wûrshp)
1. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
2. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
2. Ardent devotion; adoration.
3. often Worship Chiefly British. Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship.
If you want to 'worship' someone else, you go right ahead. But you need to stop judging everyone who does not live as you say they should.
As I said, I believe moral relativism and the "equality" mantra go hand in hand. They have no morals or values, no fundamental character .. therefore nothing to worship, admire, or praise.
I know what you believe. You repeat it often enough.
You are still wrong, however. Some day you will realize that a person does not have to believe, think, talk, and walk exactly the same way you do for that person to have morals, value and character. Of course, if the behavior you demonstrate here is an indication of the kind of character you think a 'moral' person has, then I am glad to be nothing like you.
It amazes me how detached from reality some peoples' minds are; how willing to lie to themselves just to fit an agenda; how much love, commitment and happiness they are willing to deny thenselves ... all for the leftist/feminist agenda they have so mindlessly accepted.
The problem is,
Amber, none of what I've said here was in any way 'mindlessly' accepted. It's the present value of the things I have seen and done in the amount of time I have been a part of this world. The 'leftists' and the 'feminists' had nothing to do with it. I was raised by people who thought and believed and acted like you do,
Amber. I was a miserable person then. It took me a long time to figure out that finding the course in life that made me happy didn't make me a bad person. I treat people respectfully and honestly. I am blunt when I need to be, and will defend myself viciously if I have reason to.
I hope some day you will understand that people who are different from you are not 'better' or 'worse' people than you are.