The problem is a lack of shame.
Don't stick out. Don't rock the boat. Don't judge. Who are you to__________? It's everywhere, the meme to blend in, to not excel. Consensus. Right and wrong be damned, compromise in the name of being "moderate" or some other namby-pamby, cowardly, panty-waist bullshit.
You pegged it. We are in a society where strong and opinionated men of character, of accomplishment, sheepdogs as opposed to wolves, who dare to say "You did wrong, this is wrong, this ends here" are not valued. In fact, they are dismissed, mocked, and scorned and slandered as patriarchs, tyrants, aggressors, bullies and oppressors.
Because they don't want to have to face these men, pointing their finger, and saying "Shame on you." They fear the disapproving look because they know they deserve it. They want these men silent because they know that in the final analysis they are weighed, and measured, and are found wanting.
In short - there are no fathers.