Challenge to the hate-Amber club

Started by Amber, Dec 15, 2003, 08:54 PM

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And would that we were all fortunate enough to have someone as awesome as devia train us in the oft-neglected art of ass-walloping.  8)


Take a number.
It is impossible to reason a man out of something he was never reasoned into in the first place- Swift

"The cardinal principle of judicial restraint--if it is not necessary to decide more, it is necessary not to decide more."


Is it a seminar course in your cult, devia? If so, you might have earned yourself a new follower.


blup blup.....

What's that Boo?

Umm.. yes.. ass walloping is part of the all inclusive package. Sign up to your left or right depending on your political preference...It's all good, just remember that I'm a demigod and all that.....

Sir Jessy of Anti

Quote from: "Gonzokid"
And at almost any time, on cue, the answer as to how many feminists it takes to change a lightbulb?  (Answer:  That's NOT FUNNY!)

3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


One (and 298 afterwards to comiserate!).  [feminists never could count]


Or wait...was it...

Four. One to change the bulb, and three to write about how
the bulb is exploiting the socket.

Hmm....not quite sure if I've got it...

None.  Feminists view light bulbs as oppressive tools of the
"patriarchy," so they will not use them.

Ah!  I think I've got it:

How old-fashioned.  The other 99 are there to lobby Congress to outlaw  
crimes against sockets -- and to say the bulb-changer is not a  
representative of mainstream feminism.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Couple of my faves...

How many fundamentalists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: None.  Screwing in light bulbs is not in the bible.  That's why they are always in the dark!

How many psychologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One.  But the bulb must want to change.
Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye."  --Jesus Christ
NAB Matthew 7:5

Sir Jessy of Anti

Hehe...but that's only if they can convince the bulb that it has been the receptor to unwanted sexual advances!
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />

Sir Jessy of Anti

Quote from: "devia"
I'm hot of admitted long time Jezebel.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I feel weak...

Low blood sugar, eh?  Fresh juice is on the way.

Bilbo, you be hilarious.   :lol:
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


I posted this at MND also, as there is a discussion there about banning Amber from the board.  I think the post belongs on this board here too, even though the subject has digressed.

Man, you guys are gonna blow a gasket....

Ok, I do NOT believe that we should BAN Amber from MND.  I got a couple of reasons and I hope you will take the time to read them, digest them, and, if you disagree (cool) plz understand that I gave this a lot of thought.

1)  It is true that Amber can be ... well ... Amber, but I do not advocate the PC (read: "feminazi") way of social silencing her words.  Allow me to explain?  See, I have posted on many Feminist boards and liberal boards.  Whenever I wrote divergant thoughts (and most of you guys know that I really really try to be factual as I can) I had my posts [edited] for "going off topic", "using baiting speech" (<---proving they were self-indulgent trogladytes), and "hey, male scum, this is a FEMINIST board".  I thought that the silencing tactic was chickenshit and childish.  We men can be better than that.  

2) Amber IS young.  Ok, ok, I know I may get flamed for that, but hear me out plz.  I am 34 years old (no comments plz,  :D )  She is still forming her identity (much as you guys who are her age may wanna slap me for saying that) and she IS  --- a) very intelligent --- b) naive --- c) idealist.  See, the more I read of Amber I realized that she is living in Acadamia.  She has spent the last 5 years in a college environment.  That's not a dig or meant to be condescending.  But she is living in an artificially created world/environment.  Real life often not touching acadmics and isn't this how we often look at the Prof's who work there, right?  Well ..... doesn't it follow that she may be living that life (sigh, I wish I was back in college .... goooooood times - well, minus the false rape charge - but I digress)  Amber DOES long for chivalry, but she also grew up being nurtured on her "rights".  Lets face it, how many MEN do we know, around us in our real lives who are COMPLETELY CLUELESS to how perilous their "life" is?  She hasn't had real life come a-knockin' at her door and pound her dreams to dogsh*t.  And, being female, there are many perils she won't face.  Again, many of our male friends are just as clueless ... so let's realize where someone is coming from.

3) We men NEED to include COUNTER VIEW POINTS in our discussions.  For one I don't want to emulate our Feminazi goosestepping moron enemies, and for another, we cannot afford to insulate ourselves from outside views.   This is EXACTLY what the NOW'ers and Feminazis have done and it's starting to bite them in the ass.  I can't wait 'till they choke on it, but I sure as sh*t don't want to copy their WEAKNESSES.  Smoke that over on the mental barbeque.

4)  Amber is cute.  :twisted:  (man o man I couldn't resist -- I will get flamed from both the ProAmber and the KillAmber crowd --- God I love being difficult)

5)  Guys, in all seriousness, we need to keep our heads, and have a consistant course of action.  This includes letting people we don't like have a voice, and, protecting that voice, as we all have been silenced by the PC scumbags ourselves and we didn't much like it.  

6) I am gonna catch some serious flak for this one: THERE IS a lot of whining that is going on with the MRA's.  Mea Culpa on that too.  I know I love coming here and venting.  Don't y'all?  But, that being said, we, again, should NOT learn the "victimspeak" of the Feminazis.  Will I decry unfairness?  At the top of my lungs and with all my intellect and with every surge of my heart.  Will I be silent when I see injustice?  Yeah, right, anyone who has seen my posts buy that one?  (lol, I am 1 step short of being Gonzo!! - lmao - I got some of his diatribes SAVED ON MY COMPUTER they are THAT freaking funny).  Point is, we are a growing and evolving movement.  We will pick up and discard bad habits and grow into our better ones.  We had better if we want to be taken seriously.

I know I may be the lone voice on this (with the surprising exception of Gonzo), but this is how I honestly feel.

With abiding respect,
---- L Steven Beene
'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Sir Jessy of Anti

I voted 'no' in the poll on MND.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


God this is hilarious.  The hate Amber club is, apparently, preparing to ban and/or kill me over on the MND forum.  

What exactly did I do?

My last 3 articles were

1)  The US is the world's liberator - an anti Chomsky article
2)  Experience Means Baggage - a pro marriage, anti-left article
3)  Morals:  The Anti Drug - a pro morals article

What exactly in there has anything to do with anything that they would get pissy about????????????  Unless they are a bunch of anti-war, anti-marriage, anti-morality dirtbags?

I don't even get their virulent hatred of me.  I wrote ONE article specifically targetted at the men's rights movement called Gender Healing.  EVEN ANGRY HARRY liked that article.  

Well, anyway, these guys are funny - and very irrelevant.  Below is the funniest comment.  

"Who is this Amber chick? Is she like the arch-enemy of Men's Right's? Damn...I've been involved in this thing called Men's Right's for awhile now and thought men were making headway. Are we really doomed now???
Is she even bigger than Hillary? How did I miss this??"
he men's movement is a hate movement.  

What feminism is to men; the men's rights movement is to women.

Men's rights activists blame misandry for all their problems in the same way that feminists blame the patriarchy.

The only thing men's rights activists are good at is abusing women.  

And you can quote me on that.  :D

Sir Jessy of Anti

Hey Amber, if you read the guy's history you will see it is hyperbole.  He wasn't being serious - his point was more that these boards even obsess about such things in the first place, and that they should get back to talking about the subject matter.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


My age is an asset.  I'm well aware of this.  That is why I have a push right now to get my stuff published to the masses.  At 23/24, they can't start investigating my personal life to try and find dirt.  I don't have 3 divorces, 5 kids and 4 step kids under my belt.  If you are going to talk about sexuality, it is better to have a young, feminine woman doing it.  It's easier for a woman to do it than a man.  If a man is going to do it from an Objectivist angle, he had better be quite a man.  He would have to be masculine, which actually, talking about sexuality, romantic love, etc., might compromise his masculinity in the eyes of the public.  And in fact I've seen just that.  I watched an Objectivist man try to talk about masculinity once - and he himself was a pussified wimp - and it totally didn't work.  

So far, the only people who harp on me about my age are, ironically, older people with BAGGAGE!  Older people's advice to younger people is disgusting.  My one young friend came up to me and older architects were telling him being an architect is tough work, it's not do-able ... give up now.  And this is taken as "maturity," the height of "wisdom," - a oh-so-insightful bit of advice that men are impotent and life is hopeless. Sorry, but this isn't "MATURITY."  This is baggage.

I am  an idealist but not because I'm young; it's because I'm an Objectivist.  I may have been at a university, but I was still an engineering major, which is nothing to shake a stick at.  I also worked 20-25 hours a week to pay the rent.  I wasn't exactly a liberal arts major that did nothing except theorize about ideas all day - I was expected to produce results.  I worked with my hands; I worked on projects - it prepares young professionals.  It was one of the best schools in my field.  This is not a valid argument against me.  

Even if it was, it doesn't matter.  If you are going to throw out these random personal insults, like I am young, naive, and idealistic - back them up.  What is naive about me?  What is so Utopian and un-doable about what I say?  I know lots of older people that I've worked with on various things.  I ask them if they think I am naive.  They all say no.

Anyway, not a drop of this matters.  I only wrote for MND because Dan sent my stuff in.  I've thought about whether or not I should continue as I thought perhaps it might be better if people didn't have access to things I said outside of a professional editor, etc.  I mean ... if you think that stopping me from writing at MND is going to be the end of me or the end of my world, you're nuts.  I'm a little more resilient than that.

But whatever.  You guys need to get a life not to mention direction.  Maybe you could go boycott a feminist or something.  The fact that you hate me reveals just about everything about you.  The fact is:  I advocate virtue.  Yes, I do advocate virtue for men and women.  I have an entire article called The 21st Century Joan of Arc which advocates virtue in women and lambasts feminists for enabling women to become victims.  So go f*ck yourselves with the idea that I let women off the hook - I don't, you just wish I did so that way my message of virtuous men won't be so grating on your ears.  That's exactly what the men's movement is:  a bunch of guys who want to evade responsiblity and moral character, which is why they hate me so much.  

And you know damn well what I'm saying is true.
he men's movement is a hate movement.  

What feminism is to men; the men's rights movement is to women.

Men's rights activists blame misandry for all their problems in the same way that feminists blame the patriarchy.

The only thing men's rights activists are good at is abusing women.  

And you can quote me on that.  :D


Quote from: "Sir Jessy of Anti"
Hey Amber, if you read the guy's history you will see it is hyperbole.  He wasn't being serious - his point was more that these boards even obsess about such things in the first place, and that they should get back to talking about the subject matter.

I know that.  As I said, they are wi/o direction and that guy nailed it.
he men's movement is a hate movement.  

What feminism is to men; the men's rights movement is to women.

Men's rights activists blame misandry for all their problems in the same way that feminists blame the patriarchy.

The only thing men's rights activists are good at is abusing women.  

And you can quote me on that.  :D

Sir Jessy of Anti

Definitely  not true for many men that post on these forums, and not true for myself.   For these men it is because they desire virtue that they are interested in what you have to say, and what you believe.  It is because they desire virtue that they're fighting for their rights and individual liberties in the face of feminist and legislative tyranny.  You are percieved as contributing to that tyranny when you slander men's rights activists without justification (data) for your position.

I will not argue that there is some victimism in the movement.  There is, in my opinion.  Many of us are not of that faction, yet injustice should be pointed out, as you yourself do with Iran.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />

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