the OT and NT are not in themselves indoctrination, it is when they become absolute fact and absolute truth that they become indoctrination.
In what way? Sola Scriptura literal inerrancy? (Careful, It's a trap! Such beliefs are held as heretical by a majority of the world's Christians.) That all scripture is good for instruction? How?
Personally I say that any teaching that leads towards intolerance, that also leads to attempting to institutionalizing intolerance is indoctrination.
I see. Well, I guess that my teaching my kids not to lie, steal, murder, cheat, and so on - or tolerate it or people who do it - is "indoctrination?"
I have news for Gays and gay apologists - while I do believe their lifestyle is sinful, it's way low on the list of things that bother me in someone. Buggering another man or munching rug is neither unique or special in the scale of things. Your biggest problem, as with any sin, is putting your judgment ahead of God's, and deciding he's full of shit and can take his rules and go fuck himself.
And you'll have to take that up with him.
I'm sure, though, if you feel that strongly about it, and that you can't live my his rules under his roof, he'll be happy to give you exactly what you ask for, a nice little univers of your own where you can indulge your desires all you wish.
Notice I said "universe" and not "World." The other part of that is "Get your own dirt."