2003 Top Ten Campus Follies

Started by Amber, Dec 17, 2003, 02:56 PM

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2003 Top Ten Campus Follies

"Gender Blind" Dormitory and "Discriminatory" Flyer Top List

Our nation's education system continues to be weighted down with incidences of bias and political correctness. Young America's Foundation compiled a list of the top ten most shameful campus events in America's education system in 2003:

10. Gonzaga University (Spokane, WA) administration officials censored a conservative student group's flyer advertising a Young America's Foundation organized lecture because the word "hate" was used on the flyer. The flyer in question featured the topic of guest speaker Dan Flynn's speech, "Why the Left Hates America," which is also the title of his book. The administration first approved the flyer then rescinded the approval after some professors purportedly complained of the use of the word "hate." Furthermore, in a letter obtained by the Foundation, Gonzaga's Office of Student Activities informed the conservative student group that a complaint was made against the group because some individuals felt "the Left Hates..." printed on the flyer was "discriminatory." The letter did not identify who raised objections to the flyer.

9. Park Ridge elementary school officials in Nampa, Idaho told an 11-year-old student to stop wearing his patriotic military theme T-shirt to school. The T-shirt depicts a monument at the Fort Lewis military base in the state of Washington. It shows "Iron Mike" hoisting a rifle with a star in the background. After public pressure, school officials reversed their decision and admitted the T-shirt did not fit under the school's policy prohibiting clothing depicting guns or gangs.

8. Students at Smith College, an all-female school in Massachusetts, voted to remove all feminine pronouns from the school constitution and replace them with gender-neutral ones. The editing of the constitution is part of an effort to make transgender students feel more welcome on the campus.

7. The president of the University of Arizona sent out a formal letter to the class of 2003 stating that tortillas will not be allowed at their commencement. Throwing tortillas is a tradition at the university's graduation ceremony, but the university president thought the tradition was disrespectful to many of the school's Hispanic and American Indian community members. Members of the Chicano/Hispano Student Affairs (CHSA) organization said they know the tradition is celebratory and not meant to offend.

6. A group of teachers and parents at Jefferson Elementary School in Berkeley, California is pushing to rename the school because Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder. Supporters of the name change say that it is insensitive to leave the name of a slaveholder on a building with a large black student population.

5. A 14-year-old New Jersey student was suspended for five days for drawing a picture of a stick figure U.S. Marine shooting a Taliban fighter.  School officials said the student was being punished for the drawing, that it was "highly inappropriate," and the school took it "very seriously."  The student's dad and step-dad are in the military.

4. The Roger Williams University (RI) administration froze funding and attacked a conservative campus organization for advocating diversity of thought through the group's publication, The Hawk's Right Eye. The university's president, Roy Nirschel, sent an email to all students and faculty denouncing the paper and claiming the organization flirted with racism and "crossed seriously over the lines of propriety." He went on to state that while the university affirms "the right of campus organizations to hold different points of view and to disagree, the university will not condone publications that create a hostile environment for our students and community" and added that the university is "too busy for hate." Student activist Jason Mattera says the harassment by administration officials began when his group published articles in their newspaper countering attacks on Christianity, freedom of association, and diversity of thought made by two university sponsored guest speakers this fall. The guest speakers were Judy Shepard, mother of slain homosexual Matthew Shepard, and James Dale, a gay man excluded from the Boy Scouts. Shepard stated during her Welcome Week speech that "churches are damaging us as a society. They don't allow us to grow." Dale castigated the Boy Scouts and trivialized its right of free association.

3. A professor at Citrus College in Glendora, California forced students in her Speech 106 class, a required course, to write anti-war letters to President Bush and penalized their grades after some refused. When several students asked if they could write letters supportive of Bush's policies instead, the professor refused and informed the students their grades would suffer if they wrote such letters. The college sanctioned the professor and apologized to the students.

2. Professor Nicholas De Genova of Columbia University stated during a six-hour university teach-in on the war in Iraq that he would like to see "a million Mogadishus"--a reference to the eighteen American soldiers who were ambushed and killed in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993.

#1. Wesleyan University in Connecticut now offers a "Gender Blind" dormitory floor for incoming students who aren't sure what sex they are. Students who ask for the floor will have roommates appointed without regard to their sex, perceived or otherwise. The rooms will be set aside for transgender students, described as those students born with ambiguous genitalia or who don't identify with their physical sex.
he men's movement is a hate movement.  

What feminism is to men; the men's rights movement is to women.

Men's rights activists blame misandry for all their problems in the same way that feminists blame the patriarchy.

The only thing men's rights activists are good at is abusing women.  

And you can quote me on that.  :D


Regarding #6, I knew a black guy with the name of Thomas Jefferson the 3rd that said he had traced his lineage back to the white Thomas Jefferson. Apparently his father and granddad weren't very ashamed of it.


7. The president of the University of Arizona sent out a formal letter to the class of 2003 stating that tortillas will not be allowed at their commencement. Throwing tortillas is a tradition at the university's graduation ceremony, but the university president thought the tradition was disrespectful to many of the school's Hispanic and American Indian community members. Members of the Chicano/Hispano Student Affairs (CHSA) organization said they know the tradition is celebratory and not meant to offend.

--This is a grand example of the Left speaking for people in minority groups.  Even though the Hispanic students said they were fine with it, the university still said no no, you shouldn't be fine, you should be offended.  Patronizing at best.  

6. A group of teachers and parents at Jefferson Elementary School in Berkeley, California is pushing to rename the school because Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder. Supporters of the name change say that it is insensitive to leave the name of a slaveholder on a building with a large black student population.

--Heck, why don't we just rename the United States Capital.  George Washington was GASP one of the GASP SHOCK GAG "Founding....Fathers" (Ooh! I'm sooooo sorry!), and a slaveholder, and District of Columbia--well good ol' chris Columbus was a racist and an Indian-killer anyway. Such an offensive city.  Ban it.    :roll:

3. A professor at Citrus College in Glendora, California forced students in her Speech 106 class, a required course, to write anti-war letters to President Bush and penalized their grades after some refused. When several students asked if they could write letters supportive of Bush's policies instead, the professor refused and informed the students their grades would suffer if they wrote such letters. The college sanctioned the professor and apologized to the students.

It's good news to me that the university had to back down and apologize.  Ha!!!!   :D
acist, Sexist, Anti-Straight
Left-wing Freaks, Stop your Hate!


Quote from: "closetrightyNYC"
--Heck, why don't we just rename the United States Capital.  George Washington was GASP one of the GASP SHOCK GAG "Founding....Fathers" (Ooh! I'm sooooo sorry!), and a slaveholder, and District of Columbia--well good ol' chris Columbus was a racist and an Indian-killer anyway. Such an offensive city.  Ban it.    :roll:

Rock on. Considering this city's political bent, we could rename it the District of Malcom X.

Respect is not a civil right; it is an attitude of approval and admiration. No one can claim a "right" to the emotional or intellectual approval of anyone else. " - That I-feminist who writes for foxnews.com


Since when was freedom of speech a conservative issue?

There's just as much censorship against liberals as against conservatives... fight the censorship not the political poles.

ref: www.pabaah.com

As for slavery, Abraham Emancipation Proclaimation Lincoln was a slave holder.
Society does not have the right to discriminate against victims of domestic violence because of their gender."  - www.amen.ie


<<As for slavery, Abraham Emancipation Proclaimation Lincoln was a slave holder.>>

Do you have some kind of link or reference to that one?


gimme a break...  read a little history and you'll know it.

Not that it's deserved, but you could read "Lincoln at Gettysburg"  by Garry Wills... it's a Pulitzer winning book, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.

But I suspect that any through biography on Lincoln will tell you he owned slaves.
Society does not have the right to discriminate against victims of domestic violence because of their gender."  - www.amen.ie


Hey Nichov

Read a little history yourself, before you post something as patently  false as this  in an Internet forum, defaming the good name of one of our presidents.


Did Lincoln own slaves?

Regardless of what you have heard, there is no truth to this assertion. Lincoln is sometimes confused with other presidents who did own slaves, such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Here's a little hint, sport. Get your facts straight before you hit the enter key....

                                          The Fish


Another little known fact about Lincoln: He would've been diagnosed with ADD if he was alive today. Him and a bunch of other famous people like, Einstein, Mozart, Edgar Allen Poe, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Edison, etc.


It should be also noted that, as a young lawyer, Abraham Lincoln took cases on both sides of the slave owning issue. This is more a function of his needing to make a living as an attorney than of any stance on the issue.

His feelings on human bondage were profoundly shaped during a trip where he encountered a slave auction in progress. He was appalled by the sight of human beings being bought and sold like cattle, and of families being torn asunder; and recognised the institution of slavery as a great moral wrong that needed to be abolished.  

all you need to do is.....

read a little history and you'll know it.

                                       The Fish :shock:

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