Domestic Violence the MSM labels a weird but true (search her name for the story) Set Husband's Genitals On Fire, Charged With Murder, Endangering Life
Posted by Brett Singer
Royal Adelaide Hospital, where Satish Narayan died after his wife set fire to his gentials because she thought he was cheating on her.Rajini Narayan, the woman who lit her husband's penis on fire in December because she saw him hugging another woman (it's not alleged because she confessed), will now face murder charges because her husband died after the incident. The "endangering life" charges are because her three children were home when she poured "an alcohol-based solvent" on his genitals and then lit them on fire. That fire spread to the rest of the house, as well as the townhouse next door, causing over 1 million dollars (Australian, about $711,000 U.S.) in damage, according to MSNBC.
Narayan said that she wanted to burn her husband's penis, "so it belongs to me and no one else." Narayan and her attorney maintain that she did not want to set the house on fire or put anyone else in danger.
I have two thoughts whenever I hear about a story like this. (Not that I've ever heard a story with these exact details, but stories that are somewhat similar.) First, shouldn't she be entering a plea of insanity? How is it not insane to light someone's genitals on fire, especially if you then say that you didn't think the fire would spread? Are you unfamiliar with the way fire works? The second thought, clichéd though it may be, is for the kids. How can they move on after something like this? What do you say to them about how their father died?
Remember the Phil Hartman case, where his wife killed Phil and herself? They had kids. Every time I see an old SNL bit with Hartman I think about those kids. I've never looked up whatever happened to them, it's just... sad.