The very word "gender" is socially constructed -- by feminists -- as a way of de-linking sex from what they call sex roles. The word "gender" is also the vehicle through which a host of behaviors are normalized and legitimized. Thus it was no longer considered "natural" to be a hetrosexual masculine male, or a hetrosexual feminine female. The concept of gender now fragmented what was once a normalized and distinct definition, and created a whole host of exceptions. They actually have an "exceptional" name that applies to what was once considered normal: "cis-gendered," i.e. a hetrosexual masculine male who self-identifies as such, or a heterosexual feminine female who identifies as such. This is one of the effects of cultural Marxism, i.e. to make distinct meanings of words and concepts blurry, and thus legitimize what was once considered illegitimate.
Cultural Marxism is a social construct, and the concept of gender is a construct born out of cultural Marxism.