Title IX InPut Controlled By Two Women At The University of Iowa

Started by Captain Courageous, Apr 08, 2011, 02:26 PM

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Captain Courageous

Apr 08, 2011, 02:26 PM Last Edit: Apr 08, 2011, 02:41 PM by Captain Courageous
Gender Equity in Sports is a resource for anyone investigating the state of affairs in interscholastic or intercollegiate sport. The content and data are primarily based on an ongoing project maintained by Dr. Mary C. Curtis and Dr. Christine H.B. Grant at The University of Iowa. These reports have been collected from newspaper articles, the Women's Sports Foundation, and personal references. Leads, updates, corrections, or suggestions are welcome, as changes are being made daily and in every area.

UI equity questionnaire available

Dr. Christine Grant and Amy Wilson created a questionnaire for use by the University of Iowa
Gender Equity Subcommittee during the NCAA Certification process in the spring of 2005. Please feel free to use or modify this questionnaire in your own preparation of department-wide gender equity data

Title IX surveys criticized by NCAA, Myles Brand  

In March of 2005, new federal guidelines were released that created an alternative way for colleges to be in compliance with the 1972 anti-discrimination law. Schools may now use an e-mail survey to show a fulfillment of requirements with Title IX, according to documents released by the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. Insufficient interest among female students would indicate compliance under Title IX's third prong which includes a satisfaction of the interests and abilities of the historically underrepresented sex, a move critics say undermines the 33-year-old legislation.


We need to mount a campaign of complaints, using legal representation, and accusing one-sided bias in the accumulation of data.

Captain Courageous

Let's start our own Title IX "project" and compose our own questionnaires.

Men's Rights Activist

Insufficient interest among female students would indicate compliance under Title IX's third prong which includes a satisfaction of the interests and abilities of the historically underrepresented sex, a move critics say undermines the 33-year-old legislation.

Maybe these two women could do a study  :occasion18: on the under-representation of men in teaching positions throughout academia, or how males have been driven out by the sexist and hostile environment of feminist misandry on campuses.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Captain Courageous

Apr 11, 2011, 10:37 AM Last Edit: Apr 11, 2011, 10:42 AM by Captain Courageous
They get the handout money from "Daddy Warbucks" the Gubmint, but we can raise our own money and fund our own studies.

We can ask our elected representatives for what they call "matching funds" (we raise 50k and they match it with another 50k).

We can press for budget modifications on monies allocated for research.

We can apply for grants from Foundations by using well-written ones from experienced grant writers.

Anybody else out there have experience as a bureaucrat?

Please don't leave this for the feminist lurkers to steal.

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