Has it started?

Started by davis2ab, May 31, 2011, 09:45 PM

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I have long predicted that we are heading into anarchy.

I pulled up Drudge this morning and there seems to be half a dozen or so stories about riot or mass violence like situations that occurred over the holiday weekend. I say seem to be because I just looked at the headings. Is the anarchy starting or is this just a normal memorial day weekend?

I have also long predicted economic collapse. The two are intertwined.

Both I think are occurring. It is just hard to see the forest for the trees. Those who were living during the fall of the Roman Empire probably experienced semi normality just as we are now.

By the way, the economy is falling. Nobody really can dispute that. However, how many proposals have been made that involve actual economic activity (e.g. creation of plants or industry, etc.) was opposed to wealth shifting or warfare? I would say almost zero.

The Biscuit Queen

I get so tired of hearing the sheaple complain that the politicians aren't doing enough to save the economy and crying that things are so hard in the US. It is our own fault that we are in this mess. We want tons of goods, cheap, and we want to make lots of money so we can buy even more of these cheap things. We also don't want to work long hours. The result is the only way we can attain these goods is buying foreign products because they pay their people less for working longer. So we spend all our money to buy cheap crap from overseas, then complain there are no jobs. Well, who is going to buy our products? Who would try to make things in the US? You have to sell things to make money. To fill in the void the government keeps hiring, which drives up taxes. Then we complain there are too many taxes.

I hate politicians, but they cannot win. Until we the sheaple stop thinking we can just keep hoarding crap and refuse to become conciencous shoppers, we will keep seeing the country go down the toilet.

We are literally buying our way into decline, and very few people know, or care.
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


Me and Mrs. no2fembots are planning to buy property in Arizona, or South Carolina sometime in the next 12 months. We both love freedom (our acreage is called Freedom Acres), we both love guns and what they stand for (sovereignty of the individual) and we both love Americans, so moving south is a no-brainer.  The question becomes: live in the US for 180 days a year, or do what it takes to have the freedom to live and work there year round.

I have a cousin in Charleston, a PhD psychologist, who said he could provide consulting work for me.  Had a great time there in March. We LOVE SC and the south! But we also LOVE the desert, (had a great time there in March) so ... decisions, decisions.

I believe things are going to get a heckuva lot worse before things get better in the USA and Europe.  Canada feels pretty confident right now, but if the States continues to suffer economically to the point of (temporary) anarchy, then Canada will hurt, too.

Bottom-line: we are living in remarkable times. I ask myself, where do I want to be if the shyte hits the fan?  Living amongst subjects or citizens?

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  - Winston Churchill
"Get Angry...Get Loud... GET UP off your KNEES!"

The Biscuit Queen

I love the desert too!  Such a beautiful, haunting place. Death Valley and Joshua Tree are two of my favs.  Problem is, if the stuff hits the fan how are you going to feed yourself?

I like upstate NY. We are far enought away from lots of people that we would be relatively safe, and this is a great place to grow things and raise livestock without a lot of extra water and electric needed. Winters are tough, but you can raise all the hay for animals using horsepower if you need to, and there are lots of woods for heat.

I doubt it will come to this, but I like having the knowledge and the ability to deal if it does.
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.



Here on Freedom Acres we are pretty well set up should we need to provide for ourselves with water, wood, and plenty food, if you like meat and fish! 

I wish I could take the property and transplant it in the States!  :sunny:
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  - Winston Churchill
"Get Angry...Get Loud... GET UP off your KNEES!"

dr e

Hiya No2 -  Good to see you. My .02 would be to go with SC.  Problem with the ariz desert is that water may become a very volatile issue and AZ is in the midst of it.  It could get very ugly for the states near and dependent upon the colorado river. 
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


I'd pick SC as well. Arizona is great in many ways but its on the border with all its violence and the water issue is definately a problem.

The Biscuit Queen

How about Tenessee, West Virginia, Georgia?

he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


Good points on the Arizona water issue.  And I must admit to concern over the proximity to the Mexican drug cartels.  While I would love to have the freedom to carry a weapon for self defense, I would not want to defend against crazed border hopping Mexican gangstas!

Most definately check out the southeast!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  - Winston Churchill
"Get Angry...Get Loud... GET UP off your KNEES!"

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