Dr E,
I read about it in (this is from memory from my first deployment, so, 2005-2006) Who Stole Feminism by Christina Hoff Summers. In it she told this story, and one about another professor who had a discussion about rape and false accusations.
The professor who had a discussion about rape and false accusations in his classroom had it partially hijacked by 2 classroom student feminists who tried desperately to shut down ANY mention of or dissussion about false accusations. They insisted, argued, and put down as holy writ that false accusations were so rare, and such a non-issue, that even discussing them should be off the table so as not to legitimize any thought of their prevalence. When that was not accomplished, he was, (drum roll please) falsely accused by one of those same feminist students of multiple counts of rape.
Yep - the very women who had swallowed feminist ideology and espoused it, and denied denied denied that false accusations of rape happen, or that such a subject was even worthy of being brought up, brought a false accusation of rape against this professor just for having the temerity of not toeing the line to their ideology.
The upshot was that while her case (it was a long story in the book, and chilling in how it step-by-step back-door, violence-by-proxy, destroyed his career (to a point) ) finally fell apart as her lies were so obviously concocted, but the woman was eventually paid a six figure pay out by the university for her "pain and suffering", even though he was cleared.
The professor was, from then on, so terrified of female students that he would no longer meet with them behind closed doors without a witness, and lives in fear of the PC police on his campus.
Hope that helps.