Philadelphia mayor shames fathers and boys

Started by The Invisible Male, Aug 11, 2011, 06:54 AM

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The Invisible Male


He chastised black fathers for being nothing more than "sperm donors." He called out "doggone" hoodie-wearing teens who'd never get jobs with their underwear or the "crack of your butt" showing. And he came down on neglectful parents who "need to get a hold of your kids before we have to."

I can't find the other article that quotes his speech in more detail, but he only criticizes "parents", "fathers", and "boys".  He has nothing bad to say specifically about "mothers" or "girls".  This glaring omission is especially noteworthy because even though the speech was in response to recent flash mobs, it is also right on the heels of Philadelphia's first Slut Walk, where women and girls are allowed to dress any way they want with no criticism allowed, especially from politicians, but boys should not be able to get a job if they don't pull their pants up in the mayor's opinion.  Of course it's okay for girls to show their cleavage and tats on the job.  His speech also comes just after the local transit bus getting shot up by white knighting gang bangers because abusive babymomma Penny Chapman hated that a man dared to scold her on the bus for hitting her kid.  Note to mayor:  If the fathers are absent, then it can only be the mother who is abusing the kids, turning them into future gangbangers.  I live in the hood and have a 3-year-old of my own.  Every day I see (black) mothers verbally and physically abusing their toddlers and school aged kids at the playgrounds and swimming pools with no one daring or caring to confront them.  When the mothers aren't abusing their sons, they're ignoring them instead of playing with them (while doting over their daughters).
The Invisible Man is an 1897 sci-fi novella by H.G. Wells.  The protagonist cannot become visible again, becoming mentally unstable as a result.


(sigh) One step at at time.

I wonder what the "Free" birth control for ALL women bit of socialist gubmint "solution" will affect  the debate in, say...10-25 years from now?

Haven't some of the better "science fiction" writers, with a demonstrably higher rate of correct short, and long, term prediction than ANY of the self proclaimed "experts" in humanities, economics, poli-sci, psychology, environment, and international studies, weighed in such misguided "Guess the Race/Sex/Gender/Nationality." banners?

On the Web:
Vox Populi
and of course, Instapundit       

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