Gay men are a part of the victim olympics that we see with numerous groups vying for, and having won, victim status in the culture at large. (men (generic) will never be given victim status since they are demanded to be providers, protectors and disposable. You can't make the paper towel a victim, it just won't work)
Gay men have been aligned with feminism which is a natural enemy of men.
There seems to be a natural distrust between gay men and straight men. (call it homophobia and heterophobia but it seems to go both ways from my observation)
You do the math.
I disagree Dr E........Back in the 80 the political leaders of the Homosexual (male) movement .....most of them died of aids.....Lesbians stepped in to fill the vacuum.....Believe it or not most homosexual males I have come in contact with are on our side.
I do hope you are correct. If most are on our side can you find some links or articles written by gay men that support MRA positions?
Ironically a gay man who is a supporter and donating contributor to AVFM has written five strongly pro-male articles already for AVFM. Here is the address of the page from which links to all five articles can be assessed. outdoors - you seem like a nice enough chap (assuming that was you in the video you posted) but I do wonder where you are getting your information. AVFM supports all men of whatever creed, colour or sexuality. To my knowledge (and I visit and read articles on the site almost every day) AVFM has not published a single article promoting "gay rights" - there is a strong consensus fully supported by Paul Elam that AVFM distance itself from partisanship of political, cultural, sexual or religious because men of all different kinds are potentially subject to the unfairness and injustices of a largely misandric culture. For this reason the focus has been put where it should be i.e. on the human rights issues we share as men and that's it.
We are not there to promote left, right or even no wing politics neither religion, atheism, agnosticism, sports teams, white guys , non white guys, straight guys, gay guys , trans guys, not sure guys, blue collar, white collar, rich men, poor men, teetotal, alcoholic, fathers, non fathers, married, divorced, bachelors etc etc etc. As a result of this policy and attitude we are beginning to see something quite wonderful occurring and it is not just a wide diversity of men, one of the regular callers to the radio show is a really hip kid of just 13 years old! His grasp of the issues would shame many a seasoned MRA and what's more he shares his knowledge and views with many of his school mates. On top of that we are beginning to attract more women too - some are already very widely known like Erin Pizzey and "Girl Writes What" (she now uses her real name in posts to AVFM but I have forgotten what it is (lol) others not yet as widely known (although I think most here are familiar with typhonblue) all told there are now 8-10 approx women that are very active - some go out postering, contribute funds, write articles and write pieces for and appear on the radio show. Some indeed do all of the foregoing and more! Most of them are mothers and all of them are concerned for the plight of men that they are close to and indeed for men in general. In short to a woman they are dammed good MRA'S and all of them make me feel a little guilty such is their energy,commitment and enthusiasm for marching forward in the humane cause of helping men. There is no mission creep - the gays and the women that have joined the ranks over there are very focussed and crystal clear about the goals and the obstacles that men are facing there is no "well we'll help out a bit if you take this womens issue on board as well" as many paranoid critics are either fearing alleging or both!
AVFM is on our side all of us