"As it happens I agree but ironically it is (mostly calling themse4lves MRA's) critics of AVFM that have been precisely guilty of just that. If you don't believe me I challenge anyone to find a single article on AVFM promoting gay rights."
How about thread after thread of the AVfM crowd vilifying and attacking anyone who doesn't expressly support the agenda, even to the point of doing so to those who don't support it 'enough', or 'properly'? There is no 'Gay Agenda' at AVfM...sure. But there is a wickedly intolerant politically correct strain that DOMINATES the discourse there now, and the message at AVfM has most definitely deviated from a 'Mens Rights' path, and towards a 'Humanist' path (ie, we're "about equality" now, for instance, instead of standing up for men and boys).
I can think of about 10 LOOONG time MRAs that initially supported the shit out of Paul and his cronies...guys who literally wrote the MRA-book, that are flat out disgusted with the behaviour there....and I am one of them. Moreover, nearly ALL of this intolerance and PC totalitarianism showed up in the short span between AVfM garnering attention, and the influx of 'inclusive' types in the masthead....nearly NONE of which have more than a year's presence in the MRM, and nearly all of which are completely incapable of listing off the issues men face (save the 'Humanist' concerns)...
AVfM has most definitely tried to pervert the MRM (and no, that's not a 'gaybashing' reference), and now not only claims itself the 'Second Wave of the MRM', but feels justified in policing the speech of all who visit.
Sorry Tigerman, but just because YOU agree with them, it doesn't mean they are right.
So like I said there hasn't been a single article on AVFM promoting a gay rights agenda.
What is the problem with being "inclusive" anyway ?? As long as people (PEOPLE) support our aims and goals what business have we questioning their sex, sexual orientation, religion or not, nationality, politics or anything else as long as they are on board with our goals?
I agree it does police the speech of those who comment there - AVFM with it's increasing popularity it is a target of much hatred (and now from it's own side it seems) usually from feminists who are continually trying to depict the MRM (and MRA'S) as violent, right wing, homophobic misogynists and so because it was thought not a good idea to have the whole movement characterised by a disgruntled minority a policy was developed.
This last comment of yours is interesting:-
"Sorry Tigerman, but just because YOU agree with them, it doesn't mean they are right."
Do you know something I really don't care if I am right or wrong about this or that aspect of activism or how to go about it - the important thing to me is what works and for the sake of that my petty ago can go and fuck itself.
What is this with trying to paint everyone against this change as being some kind of reactionary against 'articles promoting the Gay Rights agenda'? I'm starting to think you are employing the typical feminist tactic of Strawmanning, in order to paint me as some intolerant asshole you can dismiss...
Tha't not actually what you're trying to do now, is it Tigerman?
Let's get one thing straight right fucking now. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GAY MEN IN THE MRM. Is that fucking getting through to you?
Ok, good, now we can move on.
The issue is the hardline PC attitude to anyone not 'fully supporting' the agenda now unofficially pursued at AVfM...this newfound political correctness explicitly caused not one or two, but SEVERAL longtime MRAs (and supporters of, and initial BULDERS of, AVFM) to be summarily dismissed, and attempts at 'ostracism' are fucking RAMPANT among that crowd now. Identical in every way to the way SRS behaves, in fact, and for that matter even over many of the same issues.
So, yes, I think the 'contributors' to AVfM that want the 'Gay agenda' to have more prominence are indeed fucking up the movement to suit their own selfish, narrow needs, rather than helping men in general. And if that isn't the intention, then either THEY fucked up royally somewhere in communicating that, or the 'staff' at AVfM royally fucked up and went overboard in their enthusiastic support (ie, went fucking nutso PC), and no one is man enough to rein it the fuck in.
Another thing, as I have incessantly tried to get through your 'Progressive' noggins, acting out of FEAR will ALWAYS end up fucking things up. Fear of 'looking bad' is the stupidest fucking reason I have ever heard to change tactics, or modify one's beliefs for that matter. Fear is the means used to control us already, and the MRM fights against fear-based coercion all the damned time. How the group at that site could be appallingly stupid enough to forget this lesson is utterly beyond my comprehension. But acting out of 'fear of looking bad' just tells your opponents how to control you.
It's stupid, really REALLY FUCKING STUPID. On EVERY DAMNED LEVEL. And I am FURIOUS you assholes think you are morally superior while selling men out like this.
And this I can't let go...:
"Do you know something I really don't care if I am right or wrong about this or that aspect of activism or how to go about it - the important thing to me is what works and for the sake of that my petty ago can go and fuck itself."
This whole argument, this whole schism, is nothing but the EGO of the masthead at AVfM thinking they ARE the MRM. It's the unmitigated gall of casually dismissing those who BUILT THE FUCKING MOVEMENT YOU LAY CLAIM TO...guys like angry harry, for instance. What AVfM is doing is moronic on nearly every level I can think of, and the smug protestations of guys like you that this isn't some kind of ego-driven power grab only serve to harden my resolve.