"As I mentioned before it is much more tolerant in it's commenting policy than it's editorial policy for what I hope is obvious reasons - that said it does have zero tolerance for promoting any form of violence.
Anyway judge for yourself - here is the comment policy:-
Comment Policy:
The comment policy is simple. Threats, advocacy and ideations of violence are strictly verboten. All other manner of speech is allowed unless it becomes disruptive to the continuity of discussions. "
Nice try. Why don't you point to my, or Harry's, or any of the other MRAs driven off...why don't you point to our posts that violate this 'one rule'.? Is that because you can't, because that one simple rule had NOTHING AT ALL to do with this?
And if that is the case, then what the fuck are you doing trying to insinuate that Angry Harry posted a violent post? Considering this vehemence against violence popped up in response to ME getting hauled in to the cop shop re: activism, don't you think it a tad fucking ironic that you now indirectly accuse me of 'extremism' YET AGAIN without answering a single question I posed? This is typical Liberal Argumentation...ignore the gist, claim moral superiority, dismiss the opponent, claim victory, go home,,
This whole exchange you have disingenuously refused to even address the point. You just keep casting around for something 'bad' to paint me with.
Yeah, that's right...INTEGRITY is a foreign concept to you, I get it...but some of us actually value 'outdated' concepts like that....unlike, it seems, you.
"Just so other readers know you are talking bull droppings. It was only a few days ago that I publicly called out one of the writers for AVFM for plagiarism when the actual author of a piece showed up and mentioned it was his work (with an url to the original publication to prove it). To AVFM's credit as soon as Paul saw that this was the case the plagiarising author was banned instantly and ALL his prior published articles were removed from the site because trust in authenticity of authorship had been fatally undermined."
This 'proves' what exactly? That Plagiarism is frowned upon. Yay you.
"As for being "assholes" let him who has not been one cast the first stone to paraphrase a certain historic personage. For sure I have my opinions on what goes down not just there but everywhere else but I am also mindful of the wisdom "don't wash your dirty linen in public.""
I think you are under the mistaken impression that I want to move this movement forward, EVEN IF IT MEANS SUPPORTING CRAP IDEOLOGICAL TOTALITARIANISM. Let me put it to you straight, right now...
I will do everything I can to undermine that site, and this whole fucking movement if I have to, in order to restore some kind of humanity to it. That fucker posted a personal email ALONG WITH MY CITY OF RESIDENCE on the Internet, and I STILL can't get a job because of it. I once thought he was just a fucking moron for doing it,. now, I'm not so sure. THAT is the kind of shit I hold against him and his site. ALL of you show complete willingmness to 'sacrifice a brother for the greater good'.
I will air my dirty laundry in public till I'm blue in the face...ESPECIALLY if it embarrasses him and his sycophants. In fact, I am publicly stating right now that anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, that would like to make use of my services or knowledge in order to undermine and destroy both AVfM and the Mens Movment as a whole, is more than welcome to contact me., I will give your efforts every bit as much time and energy as I have thus far sunk into both AVfM and the MRM.
Betray me, and try to toss me over the shoulder as an 'extremist'? Fine, fuck you and the horse you rode in on...and fuck anyone associated with you. I'd FAR rather not fight for the rights of men, if it means I have to associate with the likes of you or Paul to do it. And I would DEFINITELY rather see the MRM destroiyed than simply replace feminism as the ideology of oppression du jour.
"There are right wingers, left wingers, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, gay, straight, trans, black, white and every colour in between at AVFM and they are not there because they are sycophants or agree with everything that is done or said there. They are there for the simple reason that above all the other distinctions we are united in our common HUMANITY and our desire to see men and boys being fully included alongside with women (and trans) in societies treatment and recognition of our humanity."
I love how you narcissistic asshats think this is something new in the MRM. Until your 'enlightened' asses hit the benches, we MUST have all been old white racist and sexist guys....since we didn't make a point of stressing all that shit...
Or, conversely, we were smart enough to realize that pandering in this way is THE EXACT SAME SHIT THAT LED TO THE PROBLEMS WE FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE> It doesn't deviate, not one fucking iota, from the exact same trajectory Feminism followed, and using the exact same fucking methodology to do it. But yeah, you guys are SO SMART, that it won't happen to you like it did to literally every other movement adopting the memes... Nope, you guys are DIFFERENT, therefore, it'll work this time....
"So sure such keeping and maintaining any sort of unity in such a diverse group requires a lot - not just from the site and it's admin but the goodwill and intelligence of it's diverse supporters. "
'Diverse' huh? PC speak...PC guidelines, PC 'groups', PC everything...but nope, according to you, all those identical traits are NOT indications you've gone Pee Cee....nope, nothing to see here, move along.
"AVFM is not for prioritising vexatious "venting" however - there are much better places for that and yes Factory that remark is aimed directly at you - pissing contests are for schoolkids and "talking tough" on the internet has never impressed me."
Vexatiuous venting....is that what you call any kind of criticism of an INSANE course of action? My guess is, Tigerman, that you had a LOT to do with this shift in direction. Along with the 'contributing supporters' that happen to have a desire for this change in direction as well....hmmm...
The fact hat you STILL cannot admit that AVfM ever did anything wrong, or that the 'ousting' of longtime MRAs was ill-conceived at the very best. You still can't deny that AVfM is doing it's level best (as are you) is casting as 'extremist' (just like the SRSers on Reddit have wanted for years) anyone who doesn't agree with the 'full support' of these groups, EVEN IF THE OBJECTION IS ONE OF SIMPLE OVER REPRESENTATION. Yeah, that's the ONLY reason I was attacked...because I didn't support the Official Policy IN THE CORRECT MANNER. I was attacked because of simple criticism of methods, not even the goals behind them.
THIS is your idea of 'inclusive'?
You can make all the dismissive statements you like, you can avoid addressing the issues at hand all you like, you can ignore actual evidence and instead substitute your own strawargument and attack that all you like.
YOu, that site, and EVERYONE attached to it, have lost all credibility outside the PC politicians whose dicks you want to suck. While I have more or less dismissed the whole movement as a waste of time, I am more than happy to start dirtecting my energy into providing as much damning evidence and strategy to smear that site and the movement if given a reason.
Sure, you're gonna scoff. But tell me, Mr Wonderful...when you have founders of a movement so incensed at your asshat maneuverings he is willing to undermine the very movement he helped build...and pissed ME off enough to do it as well how exactly do you think you did NOT fuck up royally?
Oh, that's right...you wanted us gone for a while now..