Boycott Campbell Soup

Started by Pacman7331, Feb 22, 2013, 07:57 PM

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I used to enjoy it. I just saw a V8 Fusion Commercial when I looked up at my gym of a female slapping a male on the forehead.

So i'm boycotting and they should be added to the boycott list.

I also urged them to make a commercial with a male slapping a female on the forehead, in effort that I may reconsider =)

I dunno if the commercial is on YouTube yet... so I don't have a link, just trust me.


I switched from V8 to Knudsen "Very Veggie" juice a few years ago because of a similar ad.  The Knudsen product is healthier anyway, though it's a bit of an acquired taste for the low sodium version.  Diluting it with a bit of water helps though.
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I remember when V8 ran those commercials a few years ago, that showed women bopping men over the head for not drinking V8. I actually sent them an e-mail protesting the commercials. They sent me a reply claiming that their advertisements were "delightfully different". Apparently female on male domestic violence is delightfully different. I used to drink V8 all of the time. Now I rarely ever do.
Affirmative Action: The federal government takes your job away from you and gives it to a woman. Then she sneers at you because you are unemployed.


Apparently female on male domestic violence is delightfully different.

Double standards are yummy, especially when one benefits from them.
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


I take it you haven't seen the V8 commercial where the baby slaps the head of her mother...? 

Captain Courageous

I remember when V8 ran those commercials a few years ago, that showed women bopping men over the head for not drinking V8. I actually sent them an e-mail protesting the commercials. They sent me a reply claiming that their advertisements were "delightfully different". Apparently female on male domestic violence is delightfully different. I used to drink V8 all of the time. Now I rarely ever do.

This crap has happened to me. Some woman is delegated to write you back that your protest is being overruled by a common consensus that doesn't actually exist. In the past. even if they disagreed with your protest, the company's officers would at least politely acknowledge receipt of it. 

Threat of boycott helps in these situations, but proof of boycott works better. A petition asking for signators that have decided to drop V8 consumption sends a message they cannot flip off. Put one (or two) up and I'll sign.

Captain Courageous

You have to give a reason for your protest - one that fits PC standards. In this case, people do not go around smacking others in the head. This is especially true if you are a feminist that advocates punishment of males for any type of physical aggression, starting at the pre-school level of education. If little Johnny bops little Sally on the head, to indicate she did something stupid, he would be immediately reprimanded. Message: Hey V8, you are encouraging violence in an ad viewed by impressionable children.

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