RSU rejects men’s group on campus

Started by Tigerman, Mar 20, 2013, 09:31 AM

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RSU rejects men's group on campus

Three Ryerson students whose proposed men's issues campus group was denied by the Ryerson Students' Union (RSU) are still shocked by the decision.

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"These are groups that are, in some jurisdictions, considered to be a hate group, become known to have profiled women on campuses who speak against them, and they are tied to individuals who not only go out of their way to negate the struggles of women but can also create some problematic discourse on language around the idea of women's rights," said Diverlus.

There you go: SPLC and other self-appointed "watchdog" groups' propaganda having its effect.
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


"These are groups that are, in some jurisdictions, considered to be a hate group, become known to have profiled women on campuses who speak against them, and they are tied to individuals who not only go out of their way to negate the struggles of women but can also create some problematic discourse on language around the idea of women's rights," said Diverlus.

There you go: SPLC and other self-appointed "watchdog" groups' propaganda having its effect.

Speaking of watchdogs there was an interesting article about the SPLC just recently as it happens.

Captain Courageous

OK - propaganda, plain and simple.

Now it must be countered to the best of our ability. Post this link on Facebook. Twitter it. Get it out there for people to read; people who might otherwise never get the chance to do so.



I guess Elam's attempts at pleasing the pc crowd have not only failed but now he looks like a fool for attempting to do so.

Double kick in the nut's.

Fucking moron.


I guess Elam's attempts at pleasing the pc crowd have not only failed but now he looks like a fool for attempting to do so.

I just went to the AVfM site (either my first visit or the previous one was so long ago that I can't remember it). There are articles about the SPLC "Hate Map", about various Canadian universities' student associations being inimical to MRM student associations... none of them being particularly PC or pleasing to "the PC crowd".
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


MRAs need to stick together and work together.
Men's Movie Guide:   The Healing Tomb:


MRAs need to stick together and work together.

True, but it doesn't mean that they have to do it within one organization, subject to the exact same views & priorities.

For example I believe that the Innocence Project (and similar organizations) do MRA work: they mostly spring men out of prison where they rot because of false accusations and/or rotten prosecutors (and maybe judges & defense lawyers). It isn't explicitly MRA work and not all MRAs might think that it is; nevertheless they do very good work and it would be foolish to attack them just because they don't explicitly subscribe to a particular set of MRA beliefs or theories or policies.
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


MRAs need to stick together and work together.

True, but it doesn't mean that they have to do it within one organization, subject to the exact same views & priorities.

For example I believe that the Innocence Project (and similar organizations) do MRA work: they mostly spring men out of prison where they rot because of false accusations and/or rotten prosecutors (and maybe judges & defense lawyers). It isn't explicitly MRA work and not all MRAs might think that it is; nevertheless they do very good work and it would be foolish to attack them just because they don't explicitly subscribe to a particular set of MRA beliefs or theories or policies.

You both have a point - where good work is being done they have my support - it is the cause not the vehicle that is important.

Captain Courageous

"These are groups that are, in some jurisdictions, considered to be a hate group, become known to have profiled women on campuses who speak against them, and they are tied to individuals who not only go out of their way to negate the struggles of women but can also create some problematic discourse on language around the idea of women's rights," said Diverlus.

There you go: SPLC and other self-appointed "watchdog" groups' propaganda having its effect.

From observing women:

1)  Take over a table at the local coffee shop.

2)  Form a study group in a study room of a library.

3)  In good weather, meet outdoors somewhere.

4)  Meet at one another's homes, if possible.


I think I saw the name Celtic Druid in the comments.

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