Typical Feminist Manipulation Backfires ...

Started by Captain Courageous, Mar 22, 2013, 02:10 PM

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Captain Courageous

.... Big Time.

Epic FAIL! Lettuce rejoice!

Thank Roosh for this one.

American Feminist Adria Richards Gets Gang Raped By The Internet By Roosh

A feminist lost yesterday in a very big way. Let me try to put away my smile to write this.

A couple days ago, Adria Richards was at a developers conference and overheard a tame sexual joke between two men about a "big dongle." On a scale of one to ten, with one being a Disney movie and ten being a cafe recap of a girl I banged who was on her period, the joke would rate a 3, but she proceeded to do what any feminazi who hates men would do: she took a picture, posted it on Twitter, and then asked for someone to save her. She felt unsafe and offended by two men who were having a private conversation that didn't involve her [ ... ]



.... Big Time.

Epic FAIL! Lettuce rejoice!

Thank Roosh for this one.

American Feminist Adria Richards Gets Gang Raped By The Internet By Roosh

A feminist lost yesterday in a very big way. Let me try to put away my smile to write this.

A couple days ago, Adria Richards was at a developers conference and overheard a tame sexual joke between two men about a "big dongle." On a scale of one to ten, with one being a Disney movie and ten being a cafe recap of a girl I banged who was on her period, the joke would rate a 3, but she proceeded to do what any feminazi who hates men would do: she took a picture, posted it on Twitter, and then asked for someone to save her. She felt unsafe and offended by two men who were having a private conversation that didn't involve her [ ... ]


There is quite a twitter storm over this (check the hashtag #isupportadria on twitter!) - feminists (of both sexes) are flocking to her defence and even Forbes magazine has published an article defending her. That said most commenters to the forbes article are still not taking her side despite the feminist journalists attempts to paint her as an innocent victim of events.
Still it could well be given the hive "mind" of the feminist community that the tech industry now has it's very own Rebecca Watson - why not, they got "macho men" well and truly marginalised time to move onto the geeks (gaming - tick, Skeptics\Atheists - tick, tech Industry - in progress!).  :angryfire:

Captain Courageous

Folks, we could use some counter-propaganda efforts in the comments section. Thanks!

Latest Comment added:

Thank you ever so much for completely muddling this issue ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Sneaky, sneaky! Shame on you Deanna Zandt!
You cannot eavesdrop on private conversations between two or more people; then reframe it, run to the internet and broadcast your distorted version of its content, hither-thither-and-yon. It's not justified and is. I believe, illegal.
As feminist indoctrination has taught her to do, Adria presumes she is exempt from ANY wrongdoing, because she felt threatened and offended by two men who weren't even aware of her presence.


So Adria Richards is a cunning runt and I supposed to feel bad about her antics catching up with her?  :rolle:
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical

Captain Courageous

So Adria Richards is a cunning runt and I supposed to feel bad about her antics catching up with her?  :rolle:

She's a sneak and a low-life, plain and simple! Watch those fem-farts keeping trying to duck, dodge and divert the real issue. Pathetic!



The guy she 'outed' seems to be a class act and responded in a very mature manner.



Captain Courageous

"In a country famous for its right to Freedom of Speech, Adria's antics are imperious to say the least. She is absolutely no victim whatsoever!
Here's the racket she tried to get away with. Eavesdrop on a private conversation; violate the two males' rights; expect immediate support for doing so; and, failing to get that support, claim she's been victimized by death threats and slurs.
This is what women stoop to, after they take some feminist brainwashing with cream rinse and conditioner. Act like a Peeping Thomasina and rationalize your sleazy behavior by feigning fear and indignation!"

"Assuming her claim to being harassed with rape and death threats is true.
Victimhood is the Archimdean Lever by which feminists assume they can get whatever they want (or, in this case, get away with whatever they want).
I wish they would stop trying to rip-off the african-american civil rights movement. Nobody is waiting in the lurch to attack them. This is pure paranoia on their part, plain and simple!"


Sent a thank you message to SendGrid:


Just wanted to thank you all for firing Adria Richards, I consider it poor sense of decorum and manners to initiate conflicts and disputes with perfect strangers when one is out traveling to conferences etc. This young lady needs to learn humility. Please be resolute in your demonstration of discipline, and do not associate with such employees who demonstrate such ill sense of decorum by posting criticisms and gossip of perfect strangers up on twitter, facebook etc, such people who react in a personal way to other's private business are emotionally unstable and irresponsible, and need discipline. Allowing such employees at your company will indeed degrade it's internal culture and team ethic.


You've got to realize: This is not a woman who is a programmer or coder or developer. She is a "developer evangelist", meaning that she is supposed to build bridges to other programmers and companies. She is a glorified PR person or sales rep with a cool title. She has no real skills other than being an extrovert in an industry with lots of introverts (the developer-partial_introverts can really do something, though, they have actual skills).

She was basically hired as a PR person, and probably also to fulfill the intense pressure that these companies feel to hire women. If they have greater than some number of employees, they are going to feel the hot breath of the US EEOC on their neck. They still have to remain competitive with companies in Asia who don't have the bullshit of non-merit hires based on gender.

So this chick's ONLY task is to build bridges and develop PR. What does she do? She burns bridges and creates a PR nightmare for her company. She alienates millions of potential customers and employees. She drags everyone down for her agenda - and she has probably always been supported in the past by people and companies deadly afraid of feminist boycotts and actions.

Finally a company did the right thing and fired her incredibly over-entitled ass. She was certainly a liability to them in other ways; I can imagine that NO ONE would dare question her expense reports for travel, for instance.

Maybe the tide is turning and some reasonableness is returning to the world.


Well said, Galt.
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


I suspect that SendGrid had been itching to get rid of this female for a long time, but they hesitated to do so because she was a "twofer" who knew how to manipulate the system to her advantage. The shit storm that resulted from her last action left them with no choice. It will be interesting to see how the resulting lawsuit turns out, Hopefully SendGrid has her prior actions, and the economic damage she has caused, well documented.
Affirmative Action: The federal government takes your job away from you and gives it to a woman. Then she sneers at you because you are unemployed.


She is also on LinkedIN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/adriarichards

I responded to her there so you can probably figure out who I am.


Cordell Walker

"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

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