Thats pretty much my view Dr. E.
As far as I can see I see nothing wrong with "gender neutral" laws. The problem however is a inherently gynocentric human species. We can't tell masculine from feminine, we misunderstand men, and marginalize them to value assessments based on utility to society, while women are revered simply for their physical features, and / or put on pedestals by customs of chivalry and what feminist call "patriarchy". This is evident in the fact how easily feminist groups achieved their goal in no time without the slightest opposition, after millennia of so called nefarious oppression; and then the banner and cry taken up by every political activist pushing for any reform regardless of their area of concern. Every university cowers to their agenda and reforms every single course in academia to include women's studies agenda's of inclusion of women. Nothing ever changed. Humanity is inherently gynocentric seduced by the feminine itself, and lusting voraciously for the power of female support. "Patriarchy" and chivalry was and still is strongly based on the fact of men winning the approval of women, and representing their wishes as a means to official status.
My views are not "gender neutral" in fact. I prefer traditional gender roles, and I see nothing whatsoever wrong with them. The real problem is ossification and ignorance. Today we have a widespread ignorance of the purpose of traditional gender roles which is simply a continuation of the misunderstanding and exploitation of cultural traditions by inferior people. Periodically social norms get stagnated and must be reformed, generations of traditions in time will get undermined by simple degradation of clarity across time. This is the natural course of human history. As time goes on ancient knowledge and wisdom is lost and misinterpreted and misunderstood, rejected and opposed by the inheritors.
I see gender neutral laws as a standard and a first step to the MRM.
The MRM however must never rest and always promote the positive masculine virtues and tirelessly cast out all that is harmful and base. The MRM must fill the void of the cultural extermination of men's dignity in society. It's up to the MRM to make men heroes again and establish itself as a cultural force and tireless authority for the advocacy of men and boys.
I just don't think it's the government's responsibility to take part in gender warfare. Government must maintain it's mediator disinterested 3rd party status in order to serve all equally under the law. That is the whole point of government, if we didn't' have government we would have instead clans and tribes fighting tooth and nail for control.
Also I think institutions should also if at all possible maintain gender neutrality. Unless it's a women's or men's club, the policies and actions should not be biased to the advancement of any one class or gender in society. That is the ideal to strive for.
Nonetheless the MRM must never die and be the benevolent guardian of men. There are enough already for women IMHO, and women's clubs are not going anywhere. The MRM however isn't just a reactive force against feminism. IMHO the MRM directly benefits women by allowing men to reach their highest potential and realization, gives them a place to be supported unconditionally (ideally) which benefits women by relationship or social effect of having effective and healthy members of society.