'Seeking Asian Female' Film Exposes Men With 'Yellow Fever'

Started by mens_issues, May 06, 2013, 05:52 PM

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A politically correct article by ABCNews.com that assumes that men seeking Asian women have are showing "power, dominance and white privilege" and want a "submissive" wife.  Gee, could there be other reasons?

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Asian-american women (especially 25 and over) for some annoying reason make it look like any man who's not Asian cannot have any positive actions with them. What I mean is, its a lose-lose situation. if the man is attracted to them or has a preference then its yellow fever or a fetish but if a non-Asian guy doesnt find them attractive then its blatant racism, or the woman sees herself as ugly! Its basically the best example of damned if you do and damned if you don't!!!

Ironically, these same women have NO problem dating white guys and will completely bust on their male counterparts with no sense of conscience (small dick trope). The white guy is the prize! I've seen too many AA women just completely whitewash themselves with BF or his group. Now how can you justify thinking one way is fetishistic and the other way is a symbol of status?!

ell she turned me into a NEWT!! A newt?! Er..., well I got better.


On a different forum I answered this question directly.  I have already "gamed-out" the responses to the usual barbs and I cut them off at the knees with my response.  I hope it's helpful:

I have been asked / told (see answers above): You just want a submissive sex toy.

I laugh & I call that person a bigot. They are a bigot. They ASSUME that my wife, due to her culture or her race is submissive, ignorant, incapable of making her own mind up, and being exploited.

I laugh at the women who say this.

Here is my answer: My wife has CLASS. She is not submissive. When she has a problem with me she waits until we get home, and, behind closed doors, I promise you, she lets me know EXACTLY what her issue with me is. In no uncertain terms. She does not, however (see: SOME American women) make a scene in public, character assassinate a person she claims to love, nor spreads our private business in public. That's called maturity and class - not being submissive.

"Sex Toy" : Let me get this straight. A woman wants me to bind myself to her emotionally, legally, socially & economically. She wants me to desire only her, and to seek intimate pleasure from only her - AND she wants me to feel honored to be in so (emotional & physical) intimate a relationship with her. I agree with this. However, SOME American / Western women then get it into their heads that now that you've got the guy that you can deny him sex, or use it as a emotional prod or weapon.

My spouse has honored me with a level of emotional and physical intimacy that we share with only each other. We do not deny each other affection, emotional or sexua,l for whim, due to vindictiveness, or to "teach him a lesson". Unless I or she is sick or genuinely not in the mood we try to give each other the love and, yes, sex the other person needs.

These same bitter women who call men who find a bride overseas "old disgusting white men" are the same ones who cheer Demi Moore, who think the term "Cougar" is cool, and who think "Sex and the CIty" is a great show.

"These women only want money or a visa" - Yea. Right. (wait, gotta stop laughing) Phew. If that was true then there would be more MEN from other countries trying to marry American / Western women.

Apparently American men are PRIZED as husbands in many countries. However American women are not prized as wives. And spare me the "strong educated women" crap - there are strong educated women outside the U.S. (thinking otherwise smacks of a smug bigotry). Many foreigners will DATE American / Western women, but they won't marry them.


Specifically to Asian-American women ..... Oh-Good-Lord do I ENJOY verbally stomping on these sanctimonious hypocrites.

Typical conversation :

(and, yes, I have done this a NUMBER of times - and relished it each time)

She (Asian-American Sanctimonious Morally Superior Ass-Hat) :  "I hate scum-bag dudes who have yellow fever and want some 'asian sex toy' - what's up with those losers."

Me (Intentionally laughing in her face in an exagerated fashion) : "Oh-My-God.  You're real.  I mean I usually only see caricatures of people like you on TV, but you're real."

She : "What's THAT supposed to mean ... ?? "

Me : "Well, don't be shy about it - it's kinda messed up but at least you're open about it .. "

She : "Meaning what !?"

Me : "You're a bigot."

She : "I'm not a bigot.  I didn't agree with it, I was DISagreeing with it" (or some variation thereof)

Me : "No, you're a bigot.  And I'll explain" (at this point she's pissed, but intrigued, and crosses her arms and waits for me to say something stupid - and here's where I tear her a new one)

"There is this thing called a 'preference'.  We all have them.  For instance : YOU - you have preferences, tall short, blond or brown hair, black guy or hispanic or white - but while you 'get' that YOU have a preference, you make stereotype comments about people you don't know, about THEIR preference.  Also, and I gotta ask - what do you have against Asian guys?  Have you dated any? (her answer is irrelevant - and I press on) because even if you have, in general you've shown that YOU have a preference: Jock, muscular, artistic and empathetic, smart and nerdy, or silent and brooding - and probably have a preference on physical traits too. All of these are perfectly ok when YOU do it, but when a MAN does it ... well (laugh in her face) 'that's different'.  So, since you have a PREJUDICE about men whose preference is women of Asian descent, you don't know CRAP about that particular man.  In other words, YOU. ARE. A. BIGOT."

From there you play it by ear - but this sequence totally blows their mental conception of what they were righteously indignantly trying to say, and is waaaaaaaay too easy to watch and have a good laught over.

(again - even now, typing it out - I've replayed in my head how many times I've had this conversation with an Asian-American-Princess whose never had her verbiage challenged and they can't believe THEY are getting "put in their place" and being called a bigot.  Hilarity often ensues.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Cordell Walker

one of my fave girlfriends in the past few years was a woman named nicole that was born in cambodia..........beautiful gal, real nice too
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


one of my fave girlfriends in the past few years was a woman named nicole that was born in cambodia..........beautiful gal, real nice too

Yea - it's almost like Western women are .... threatened, by soft hearted, sexy, giving and loving women who have not bought into the feminist bullshit.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

dr e

Excellent response Steven.  Always good to see you!

Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Cordell Walker

one of my fave girlfriends in the past few years was a woman named nicole that was born in cambodia..........beautiful gal, real nice too

Yea - it's almost like Western women are .... threatened, by soft hearted, sexy, giving and loving women who have not bought into the feminist bullshit.


yeah and another thing is that some of these gals have way more perspective than a lot of these nitwits raised in the luxury of the west. like Nicole, she knows what real oppression and terror and deprivation is, having been born in and raised in cambodia in the middle of a conflict.
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


I am sorry if someone has already said this.

But, I have no known Asian women to be submissive at all.

The Asian women I have known generally have been very smart, assertive, etc.

They often run businesses and they are sharp and assertive.


I am sorry if someone has already said this.

But, I have no known Asian women to be submissive at all.

The Asian women I have known generally have been very smart, assertive, etc.

They often run businesses and they are sharp and assertive.

As well as keeping good care of themselves and being good to the people close to them. They don't see having to be one way in expense of the other.
ell she turned me into a NEWT!! A newt?! Er..., well I got better.

dr e

I am sorry if someone has already said this.

But, I have no known Asian women to be submissive at all.

The Asian women I have known generally have been very smart, assertive, etc.

They often run businesses and they are sharp and assertive.

And I would add to both comments that they seem to actually like, respect, and admire men.  This sets them apart from the arrogant, narcissistic, entitled, princess mentality that feminism has spawned.
As well as keeping good care of themselves and being good to the people close to them. They don't see having to be one way in expense of the other.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


I am sorry if someone has already said this.

But, I have no known Asian women to be submissive at all.

The Asian women I have known generally have been very smart, assertive, etc.

They often run businesses and they are sharp and assertive.

Good Point!  In many Asian mom and pop businesses the women are the "CEO" and book keeper while the man does the grunt work.  Not always, and certainly with caveats - but it's often true.  And, for them (the business owners) it works.

Also - in many Japanese homes the man is "in charge" outside the home, as he represents the family, but often when he goes home on friday, he hands over his paycheck and both his wife and he enjoy that she is in charge in the home.  It's her domain, and he can just relax and let his guard down.

The stereotypes of Asians themselves, both male and female, of being submissive or not making a public stink is a misnomer : meaning it's mislabeled.  It is often seen as being a trouble maker to be the squeeky wheel or the one who breaks up the harmony of the group.

But - really - that's going down the rabbit hole.

Let me break it down:

Here is a simpler explanation that someone once pointed out to me:  If American women were prized as WIVES around the world, and were sought out despite their age then women and feminists would be crowing about how it showed the obvious superiority of American / Western women's wisdom and to advance our superior ideas and culture. 

If it were mutual that both American men and women were prized as spouses I doubt this would come up as much - but I suspect the same double standard would be applied.  The brutish men just wanted sexy young things and the women were providing a loving wise experienced relationship etc.

But, since that is not the case, and it is our men who are prized, then now, due to women's hypersensitivity to any form of criticism, and human nature of sour grapes jealousy at being found wanting, the reasons for men being wanted must be denigrated.

And that, IMO, is what is really in play.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

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