Petition to Classify the Men's Rights Movement as a terrorist group

Started by mens_issues, May 29, 2014, 06:37 PM

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There is a petition to the White House to classify the Men's Rights Movement as a terrorist group.  The petition is slanderous and horribly wrong regarding the Men's Rights Movement and MRA's.  It goes on to state that the mass murders committed by Marc Lepine and Elliot Rodger were inspired by MRA's and puts the suicide of Tom Ball in the same category as well (yet again, horribly wrong).

This petition is so appalling that it's almost beyond words, and does a terrible disservice to the Men's Rights Movement which has sought fair treatment of men and boys.

Here is a link to the petition:

Here is the text of the petition:

"We petition the Obama administration to:

Classify the Men's Rights Movement as a terrorist group

The Men's Rights Movement (MRM) is a misogynistic movement that advocates violence against women and girls.

Multiple members of the MRM--self identified Men's Rights Activists (MRAs)--have committed atrocities and mass murders. Marc Lepine killed 17 women on a university campus in the "Montreal Massacre". Tom Ball firebombed a courthouse and wrote a manifesto encouraging others to bomb government buildings that is posted on major MRM websites like Elliot Rodger, an active MRA, shot and killed at least 7 young women and injured many other people at random. Rodger is being celebrated as a martyr and hero by the movement, which will likely cause other MRAs to emulate his crimes.

This is what the MRM does and action must be taken against them to protect women and girls."
Men's Issues Online - a voice for men's advocacy

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This petition is full of blatant lies. Let's see how many I can pick out:

1. Elliot Rodger did not shoot and kill seven women. He killed four men and two women. Five men if you include his suicide.

2. He was never any kind of MRA. He subscribed to a couple of PUA channels on YouTube, and he was active on a board that was critical of PUAs. Even more telling, he never displayed any concern for the rights of other men. He actually wanted to kill them. He was active on a couple of body building boards, so maybe the whole thing is Arnold Schwarzenegger's fault.

3. Unlike feminists, who have never met a murderess that they didn't like, MRAs do not consider him to be a martyr or a hero, and they don't advocate shooting anyone.

4. Tom Ball did not firebomb a courthouse. He burned himself to death on the steps of a courthouse.

5. The Men's Rights Movement does not advocate violence.

6. I don't know much about Mark Lepine so maybe somebody else can fill in.
Affirmative Action: The federal government takes your job away from you and gives it to a woman. Then she sneers at you because you are unemployed.

dr e

must be a feminist.... :BangHead:
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Marc Lepine killed 17 women on a university campus in the "Montreal Massacre"

killed 14 women and injured 3 men.


Yet these same feminist's use terrorist tactic's in an attempt to shut down the mens onference in Detroit by threatening the safety of participants and staff of the hotel.

So....who are the terrorists again?


 Please do what you can to help.

Don't let them silence us - International Conference on Men's Issues

Published on 1 Jun 2014
Please donate here:

Our conference will be about academic censorship, genital mutilation, homelessness, suicide, selective service, conscription, gendercide, boys in education domestic violence, rape,sexual assault, child abuse., false allegations, restraining order abuse, paternity fraud, child custody, family courts, incarceration, and other human rights issues that desperately need attention affecting boys and men of all races and ethnic backgrounds.


It looks like the feminist Klan is really getting riled up over this one. Ku Kunt Klan?
Affirmative Action: The federal government takes your job away from you and gives it to a woman. Then she sneers at you because you are unemployed.


Ku Kunt Klan?



Ku Kunt Klan?


It looks like the feminist Klan is really getting riled up over this one. Ku Kunt Klan?

I know that both of you are joking, but I advise everyone to not make any reference to the KKK.  It could -- and would -- be quickly turned and used against us all. 
"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
-- General Dwight D.  Eisenhower. 

"Be bold and courageous.  When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did."
-- Unknown.

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