Gresham's law

Started by Peter, Jan 10, 2015, 03:12 PM

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"When a government overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation."
"Bad money drives out good".
Silver coins were widely circulated in Canada (until 1968) and in the United States (until 1964 for dimes and quarters and 1970 for half-dollars). However, these countries debased their coins by switching to cheaper metals thereby inflating the new debased currency in relation to the supply of the former silver coins. The silver coins disappeared from circulation as citizens retained them to capture the steady current and future intrinsic value of the metal content over the newly inflated and therefore devalued coins, using the newer coins in daily transactions.
So, when a government overvalues one type of person and undervalues another, what will happen? No doubt presently white heterosexual men are valued much lower than dark skinned, sexually deviants and women ("affirmative action").

Inventive, honest and hard working people are undervalued by government mandate.

This is a situation when one would expect that Gresham's Law would apply. A man is not a coin, is not sold and bought and is not a passive object, so if the law applies, how does it manifest itself? Men cannot be hoarded.

Some proposed answers:

The underdervalued item, the man, behaves accordingly and performs according to the official value
He emigrates. Where?
He gets hidden benefits to compensate? How?
He becomes a small business owner.
He disengages form society and family life.
The Gresham's Law does not apply. Why?

I would value a lot some good input on this. I have thought about it many times, but I have no satisfactory answer.

What are your ideas?

[Gresham's law | ]

dr e

I think what we are seeing is men disengaging from society and family life.  We are also seeing the beginnings of the rotting of our govt and culture from the inside out as affirmative action nonsense has taken hold and those who have been the inspiration and perspiration that has led us are devalued and dismissed as useless.  The only ones they have kept for the men who take care of things that women would not consider...garbage man, (note it is not garbage person) sewer workers, etc.  BTW the feminists rage about God being masculine but do no such thing about the Devil being masculine.  go figure.

It has been so clear that young white men who are near genius level or beyond are being ignored and put fourth in line behind all of those who are so much less able. 

What fools we are.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

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