<<<Instead of letting one member say any thing balanced and fair you are trying to feed them lines and present men as one sided.>>>
Please show me an example of this.
How am I disrupting this forum by questioning the source and tone of this letter?
As far as the allegations that I am a practicing feminist are concerned.
Hilarious, considering one of your so nice girls is a Ms reg.
I am the owner of slavejournal.com, as much as feminists would like to tie me to a stake there are many conservatives who'd like to tie me there as well. I am not however someone who anyone in their right mind would label as a feminist, except perhaps a neo conservative who wants to throw every deserting voice out in the same bathwater
I'll give this a shot. I'm a woman and feel qualified.
There is a passive aggressive tone in your posts when you respond to men. I recognize it because it is so prevalent in females that are angry but don't want to talk about their rage and instead ask pie-eyed questions that are sidebars and distractions. If I sound bold it's because I'm entirely testy from the debacle on another thread where all women were assigned demon status because of the type of compost you're piling up on this thread.
Here's some reality if the post made by a man about how unhealthy battered women's shelters are doesn't fit your paradigm. I was a caseworker for seven years and interfaced constantly with these shelters along with my other work. The shelter in my city was a haven for misandry and the promotion of the crackpot ideology of inherent female victimhood and perpetual helplessness. There was no male staff allowed because men were perpetrators and women were too 'frightened' to handle male presence. This is the coup de grace in irrational thinking given that women have to deal with men when they leave shelters (unless the feminists have their way and effectively gas, burn, or machine gun men off the planet), and failing to allow women healthy interaction with males is a travesty in the BS mission to 'empower' women. I say
BS because no one 'empowers another human being, least of all the feminists who are so angry at males and small children, they can't utter a phrase that doesn't cite male perpetrated domestic violence or the Blessed Roe v Wade.
Women in this shelter were encouraged to view men as dangerous and the female staff members were considered to be the only 'safe' fellow humans to which women could turn. So 'unsafe' was the rest of the world that even the other service agencies and female caseworkers were not allowed to know the address of the shelter. When we actually had an abuse case we had to enter a covert operation that the Navy SEALs would have found convoluted, and gyrate to the agenda and rules of the female shelter staff until they were certain that their 'client' (that's femspeak for 'devotee') was safe from the attempts of the male perpetrator to track her to the shelter. Thus the indoc program began. I would see these same women a few weeks later for follow up on other services and they were glassy eyed from the mantras they said daily in devotion to the Big Meanie theory and insane idea that only feminist, and often lesbian, women could save them from what was essentially
their own poor choices. I'll qualify that there were women that had in fact been severely beaten and injured and of course, they required assistance. But I'll add that a woman in a truly abusive relationship has responsibility in the dynamics in her life and she has to undergo serious self-examination and personal trial to get honest about her circumstances. Women's shelters are not about the business of fostering that kind of self-inventory.
The staff in these places run their programs on the concept that " no woman is responsible for her abuse". Sorry to ruin the feminists high rendered by their creepy fantasy that a relationship is dysfunctional because a man is in it, but, while violence is pathological indeed, it takes two to create a mess in intimate and domestic matters and instructing females that they unwittingly stumbled into that mess and were then held captive is a lie and unconscionable.