Guilty as charged

Started by guiltyascharged, Apr 18, 2004, 12:08 AM

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Sir Duke

Quote from: "Dr Evil"
I'd like to see some proof of that claim Sir Duke.  Actually many claim that your ideas are no more than urban legends.  How about some links to prove your claim?

I didnt tar and feather anyone, I just said what I said. Why would any man discriminate against a race he is beloved to in any form? If you want your board members to love Dr. King, please enter it into your board rules.

I also wanted to clarify I didnt have any ideas, Dr.Evil. My statement covered one allegation on a public figure who in the public is expected to be under great scrutiny. This is no different than allegations made against Clinton, Pee Wee Herman or Bozo the clown. Sometimes these allegations become fact over time through human nature, as goes with the story of Jesus and King James rendition of his life. If that really upsets you I'm sorry, you might want to know that if you watch a lot of television or read any news source you are liable to be upset and very serious 24/7.

dr e

If you are going to make allegations then be ready to back them up.  Otherwise sit down.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sir Duke

What? Are you serious? Where is this coming from? Martin Luther King Jr. is a public figure, Dr.Evil, not your brother. This is a free country, if you dont want me here then say so, but dont tell me to sit down, I'm not here to be told to sit down. Is that one of your policies? I took the statement back, and for the record, I BELIEVE IT, that my friend, is my right. Member or no member.

I didnt make the allegation, it is a publicy announced accusation that has never been refuted, not once. I can also state that taking a firm ground to squelch public opinion on a forum called 'Stand Your Ground' is opening yourself up to a lot of unsavory rebuttle, Dr. Evil. People believe in Christ, they believe he existed, some believe Moses parted the sea and come off the hill from the burning bush with two stone tablets doning the 10 commandments. This is either folklore or fact, it can be both depending on who wants to believe it. King was a politician, Dr. Evil, politicians are open to this by the public, and there has been over 40 years of time to refute this claim and it hasn't been done. Again I cannot prove it, and you cannot prove it didnt. So a fact it does not become, but a victory it is not as well. I believe it, you dont like it. I will continue to voice my opinion based on my intuition, Dr. Evil, and sit down I will never do.

One thing is apparent to me is that you have a bone to pick with me, I think you could have picked it in such a manner that wasnt embarrassing for yourself.


Sir Duke

dr e

I have simply told you that if you are going to make allegations about anyone, public figure or not, that you will need to back them up.  I'm sure you don't have a problem with being accountable for what you write do you?  That is all I am asking.  You are embarrassed because you wrote something that you had to take back.  I'm sorry you are embarrassed.  It happens to the best of us.  Take it as a lesson and move on.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sir Duke

Who said I am embarrassed? I'm not, I took a lesson alright but I don't believe its the one you think, Dr. Evil.  I said right at the beginning of my second post that I could not prove it right in the first paragraph, you came back with a chip on your shoulder.

I am not a Dr. King apologist and I am not sorry I believe he was a womanizer who used white women. It was ascertained originally by the same man who now denies it and the fact remains that Dr. Kings camp has failed to refute the claim. Otherwise, no problem moving on for me, I fully intended to after I posted my first post on the subject. Telling people to sit down is, however, disingenuous on a forum touting men to stand their ground, Dr. Evil.

I also find your concern for facts to be curious, does that mean any website debunking by virtue of stating their beliefs as facts? Looking at a large portion of your political threads you seem to have allowed a huge amount of accusations against this country, our people and our leaders as fact, not one peep was mentioned, not one board member told to sit down. Not once was anyone told to prove it, nary a word said.

I will be looking forward to comments made about people, public figures or otherwise (IE: politicians, entertainer and alike etc) to be sure no one states an opinion or assertion or anything otherwise as fact until hard core proof is given. I hope you will join me in our quest to be fair, and balanced. :D


Sir Duke


For Doc

Mr Vanity it is not men hating to call women hating gay.  Firstly I dont hate homosexuals do you?  Secondly women hating isn't respectable and that bullshit apology penance thing was outragous.   No real man wants or needs that shit.


I think, TBoneSwiss, that sometimes things can spin out of control on a message board when something sounds like an affront to someone's manhood or the like (just because he gave his opinion), and Dr. Evil may want to avoid that.


It was not an opinion it was a demand for women to protrate themselves at the feet of men for things they did or did not do.   That was out of control to begin with and it does make me question the manhood of the person saying it.   I was clear on that.  If this is going to be a manly version of those terrible ms boards that get linked to so often count me out.

I dont know what to say about this assault on sir duke for questioning a public figure.  No one is going to have a flame war with a dead man firstly.  secondly the overeaction to it makes me wonder if I want to bother posting here.   It doesn't help men to say you respect masculinity then treat men like children the way sir duke was just treated.  Pretending to respect men then cutting their nuts off that way is kind of hypocritical.


Interesting...women judging the manhood of men.  

Tactic 1, Step 3a. (c.f., Drone Unit tactics)
A man conscious of his strength, observes Nietzsche, need have no fear of women. It is only the man who finds himself utterly helpless in the face of feminine cajolery that must cry, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" and flee. The normal, healthy man...still keeps a level head. He is strong enough to weather the sexual storm. But the man who cannot do this, who experiences no normal reaction in the direction of guardedness and caution and reason, must either abandon himself utterly as a helpless slave to woman's instinct of race-preservation, and so become a bestial voluptuary, or avoid temptation altogether and so become a celibate." -- H.L. Mencken on Nietzsche's philosophy of women


Weren't you told not to call me a woman again?


TBone, actually it wasn't I who was told.

I was confused by your strident tone, and assumed you were female.  Apologies for the error.
A man conscious of his strength, observes Nietzsche, need have no fear of women. It is only the man who finds himself utterly helpless in the face of feminine cajolery that must cry, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" and flee. The normal, healthy man...still keeps a level head. He is strong enough to weather the sexual storm. But the man who cannot do this, who experiences no normal reaction in the direction of guardedness and caution and reason, must either abandon himself utterly as a helpless slave to woman's instinct of race-preservation, and so become a bestial voluptuary, or avoid temptation altogether and so become a celibate." -- H.L. Mencken on Nietzsche's philosophy of women

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