need Emily's list info

Started by bluegrass, Apr 20, 2004, 01:35 PM

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...for a discussion that's about to start on another board.  Someone posted a while back about their invovlement in family court...
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


I'm sure you all are aware of the recall election in California that ousted Gray Davis as the Governor. Last year he vetoed legislation that would have curtailed rampant paternity fraud in California. The reason that Davis vetoed the paternity law bill, and the reason that so much else of this kind happens is not because men are too lazy to do anything about it, and not because all social workers are lesbians, but because of raw political clout.

I know that some of you have heard of Emily's List, but there may be a lot of others who still haven't, even though it's far and away the most powerful political action committee in the country, with tentacles controlling politics at the national, state and local levels.

Have you ever been in court and seen a woman sitting in the front row
taking notes on what's going on? That's a court watcher, sent by an
organization indirectly funded by Emily's List, who makes sure that
the judge rules the right way -- whatever way will bring more money
into Emily's List and the organizations it controls.

Even if someone in this group hasn't heard of Emily's List, you can be
sure that all elected officials have. Emily's List affects almost
every election, one way or another. If you're willing to submit to
Emily's List's control, and say only what they want you to say, then
you get their help at reelection time; otherwise your opponent does.
If you get elected, you're expected to favor legislation that will
pour even more money into Emily's List's coffers.

This is corruption and machine politics at its worst. You should see
for yourself just how wealthy and powerful Emily's List is. Go to the
Federal Election Commission at the URL and click on
2001-2002 Election cycle, Total Receipts, then click on "List Them."
You get a huge list of PACs. You'll see that the hard-core feminist
Emily's List is on top -- waaaaaaaaay ahead of everyone else in money
and power.

Here are the first few, as of a couple of months ago based upon the 2001-2002 election cycle:

1. $20,921,055 EMILY'S LIST

Now, there are two major pro-feminist political organizations in the
country, both of them arms of the Democratic Party:

(*) The grass roots feminist organization is the National
Organization for Women ( Its membership peaked in
1992, and it's been losing members steadily ever since then.

(*) The money making feminist organization is Emily's List
( Emily's List has been getting wealthier
and wealthier, to the point where it now is way more powerful than
anyone else.

When you analyze exactly where Emily's List gets all its money, it
always comes back to one place -- false accusations against men.

Emily's List uses its machine and power to support candidates who
will promote legislation to fund organizations with no other purpose
than to bring accusations against men (victim's advocates, social
service organizations, court clinics, battered women's shelters,
visitation centers, feminist legal services agencies, women's
protective services). These organizations receiving funding for only
one thing -- how many accusations they bring against men. No other
measure is used. And it makes no difference whether the accusations
are true or false, so these organizations are highly motivated to
bring as many false accusations as possible. For example, there's
evidence that some 90% of all restraining orders brought by women are
completely phony, motivated by organizations indirectly funded by
Emily's List.

By bringing false accusations against men, they obtain a huge stream
of funding that's used to dispense favors and jobs to political
cronies -- usually women who, for personal reasons or for money, are
willing to support additional false accusations against men.

These organizations provide the support for Emily's List at the grass
roots level, encouraging women to take a part of the money they've
received and donate it to Emily's List.

This is a HUGE flow of money, propelling a large, corrupt political
machine. It has no purpose other than making money -- certainly not
helping women or children. In fact, many feminist policies which actually promote child abuse, or rape and violence against women. The bottom line is that the more women who are raped and beaten, the more money Emily's List groups make, and the more false accusations they can make, and the more money they make.

That's why Davis vetoed the bill: cutting off paternity fraud means
cutting off one huge stream of income to feminist organizations, and
one huge stream of donations to Emily's List.

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Joined: 25 Oct 2003
Posts: 389
Location: Alaska
   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:38 am    Post subject: Holy sheep dip and little green tadpoles  


HOLY SHEEP DIP AND LITTLE GREEN TADPOLES ... it's X-files Feminazi style!!!
I have NEVER heard of this. Hey Amber, THIS is EXACTLY the kind of information sharing that MRAs do!!! No, not a dig, not even a little. More like a "see, I TOLD you this stuff was useful!"

Holy crap am I glad I checked the site tonight.


Counter productive Gender Warfare should be stopped. Blaming the person who is your victim is what abusers do.

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Dan Lynch

Joined: 21 Sep 2002
Posts: 1722
Location: Canada
   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:09 am    Post subject:    


I've been saying this all along. There is someone behind the curtain.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence for the Modern World. (519) 774-2121

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Dr Evil
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   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:13 am    Post subject:    


This is interesting stuff. If you go to this link*2004

You will find a page specifically for Emilys List and who gave them $ and who they give $ to. The list of who gives them money is by name and amount and often gives their personal address, amount given, and sometimes their profession. Glancing through that list is an interesting exercise. Looks like mostly professionals, heavy on lawyers and banking professionals. Here's a link to the alphabetized list:*2004

Here's a link to the Emily's Lost  web page:

Kal147, I still don't understand the connection between false accusations of men and donations. How does that work? The list looks like a bunch of wealthy professionals giving $500 and more.
Men's Rights Conference 2004

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Joined: 15 Dec 2003
Posts: 132

   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:43 am    Post subject:    


Dr. Evil asks:

I still don't understand the connection between false accusations of men and donations. How does that work?

As I said, Emily's List uses its machine and power to support candidates who will promote legislation to fund organizations with no other purpose
than to bring accusations against men (victim's advocates, social
service organizations, court clinics, battered women's shelters,
visitation centers, feminist legal services agencies, women's
protective services). These organizations receiving funding for only
one thing -- how many accusations they bring against men. No other
measure is used. And it makes no difference whether the accusations
are true or false, so these organizations are highly motivated to
bring as many false accusations as possible.

What happens is that Emily's list uses its' raw political clout to basically determine the outcome of many elections. If an elected official (judges, legislators, prosecutors) does not rule or act the way Emilys List wants you don't get their help at re-election time --your opponent does. Furthermore, Emilys List uses its' huge clout to lobby congress for funding for organizations that support accusations against men. The National Rifle Association, which everyone thinks is so powerful, is only a small fraction as powerful as Emily's List so you can imagine how powerful they are. Emily's List is the most powerful political organization in the country, controlling lawmakers, courts and prosecutors at all levels of government. What happens is that thru powerful lobbying and political clout organizations mentioned above such as battered womens shelters, victim's advocates, social service organizations, court clinics, visitation centers, feminist legal services agencies, women's protective services, etc, all get huge federal funding largely through the Violence Against Womens' Act, this is where BILLIONS of dollars flow into the very agencies and parties mentioned above. These essentially pure feminist organizations receive funding based solely upon case load ie. the number of accusations made, no other measure is used. Therefore, the more accusations that are levied upon men the more money flows in. It doesn't matter if the accusations are false so like I've already said these organizations are highly motivated to bring as many false accusations as possible.

Say you've been victimized by a scam I've heard several times. A woman
who wants to stay in America visits America, targets a man, and gets
pregnant. Then she dumps him, accuses him of battering, collects
child support, and she can't be deported.

These women are supported by women's activist district attorneys
because they make so much money from them. In other words, your
former girlfriend is a gold mine for these women. They receive
government funding for lawyers and other experts to defend this woman
against you, including a free immigration lawyer to defend her from
deportation. The victims' advocates stand to make money, the battered womens' shelters stand to make money and so on and so on.

And the worst part is that these women activists, including the
women district attorneys, know that your ex-girlfriend is lying. In
other words, they're committing crimes themselves, but it doesn't
matter. Everybody knows that they're crooks, everyone knows that it's
extortion and corruption, but it makes no difference.


Well I made one post there regarding Emily's list at the Kerry forum.  I thought it was pretty inocuous, but it was in fact pulled from the board.

Here's the message I got along with the posting I made.

A message from the mod team, Apr 20 2004, 05:09 PM    

Group: SuperModerators
Posts: 1686
Joined: 29-December 03

Good afternoon:

We've removed one of your posts from the message board. The Meeting Rules call on each and every one of us to take a respectful tone when speaking to and/or about others. We specifically asked that this thread have only positive comments for Democratic women to organize.

Thank you for your participation in the John Kerry Internet Town Meeting! Feel free to contact one of us if you have any questions!

Best regards,
The Moderating Team

Isn't Emily's list a pretty father un friendly group?

It's hard to believe how successful they are -- the biggest campaign contributor since the mid nineties at around $20,000,000 a year!  

How about that comment?  Only positive statements should be made!  So much for debate!
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


Quote from: "bluegrass"
[...] How about that comment?  Only positive statements should be made!  So much for debate!

Yeah, that's pretty classic; you're free to say anything as long as it is encouraging Democratic women to organize...  :lol:
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical


Ya know, I never realized how powerful Emily's List was until I read these posts.  Hell, I'd never even heard of Emily's List until I read this!    :shock:

It's damn scarey.  There's no other way of describing it.

Have you ever heard Left-wing groups piss-and-moan about how "democracy" is being sold to the highest bidder?  When they say things like that, they are usually talking about groups like the NRA and private corporations.  But you N E V E R hear them complain about Emily's List.

I'm really beginning to think that it isn't the groups you hear about on the nightly news that you have to worry about.  It's the groups you don't hear about!  I had never even heard of Emily's List!!!!!!
i] We drank our toast to innocence,
We drank our toast to now.
We tried to reach beyond the emptiness,
But neither one knew how. [/i]


Napnip, Emily's [Shit]List has been in existence for nearly two decades, if my memory serves me well.  They rose to prominence during the Clinton years.  And what Daymar is describing is true.  

Emily's Shitlist is the fuel that propels The FemBorg Kube, Inc.  Shut it off, and you'll shut down the FemBorg (or at least watch as individual elements of FemBorgia scatter to find another teat upon which to suckle).
A man conscious of his strength, observes Nietzsche, need have no fear of women. It is only the man who finds himself utterly helpless in the face of feminine cajolery that must cry, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" and flee. The normal, healthy man...still keeps a level head. He is strong enough to weather the sexual storm. But the man who cannot do this, who experiences no normal reaction in the direction of guardedness and caution and reason, must either abandon himself utterly as a helpless slave to woman's instinct of race-preservation, and so become a bestial voluptuary, or avoid temptation altogether and so become a celibate." -- H.L. Mencken on Nietzsche's philosophy of women


Emilys list is the primary reason I will not vote for democrats. Republicans arent much of an alternative but at least I wont be voting for emilys list.
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius


Someone here -- Beene maybe -- about Emily's list employees auditing family courts to influence decisions.  This is what I'm looking for if someone can point me to it.
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


Also if there's a linked source for the info it would also help
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers

Heres their hated website.
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius



Ya gotta love their byline:  "Change, the Face of Power."  Or do they REALLY mean "Change the Face of Power" [to the ugly puss of a man-hating banshee from Hell].

There it is; they admit it themselves, and UPFRONT.  That is what women who subscribe to Emily's List desire, and it is through men -- by manipulatin or through abuse -- that they attain the only Divinity they will kneel to:  POWER.
A man conscious of his strength, observes Nietzsche, need have no fear of women. It is only the man who finds himself utterly helpless in the face of feminine cajolery that must cry, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" and flee. The normal, healthy man...still keeps a level head. He is strong enough to weather the sexual storm. But the man who cannot do this, who experiences no normal reaction in the direction of guardedness and caution and reason, must either abandon himself utterly as a helpless slave to woman's instinct of race-preservation, and so become a bestial voluptuary, or avoid temptation altogether and so become a celibate." -- H.L. Mencken on Nietzsche's philosophy of women

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