Am I the only one who sees the real reason for muslim rage over this abuse of the Iraqi detainees? This "clash of civilization," which may go on for decades, is for the same reason: our relationships with women versus theirs. We all know how women are treated under Islam. Whether its better or worse is debatable. What's NOT debatable is to subject a muslim man to humiliation by women, as the photos seem to do, for all the world to see.
For the young muslim males who have seen these pictures, any chance of compromise or negotiation or laying down their arms is gone, forever. How many more people, including our GIs, will die now that this is truly a fight to the death for muslims?
I hope the troops involved get punished, but something tells me that their commanding officer, Brigadier ("It wasn't MY fault") General Janis Karpinski will skate through it all, somehow.